.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK Release notes for 3.4.3 (honister) ---------------------------------- Security Fixes in 3.4.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ghostscript: fix :cve_nist:`2021-3781` - ghostscript: fix :cve_nist:`2021-45949` - tiff: Add backports for two CVEs from upstream (:cve_nist:`2022-0561` & :cve_nist:`2022-0562`) - gcc : Fix :cve_nist:`2021-46195` - virglrenderer: fix `CVE-2022-0135 `__ and `CVE-2022-0175 `__ - binutils: Add fix for :cve_nist:`2021-45078` Fixes in 3.4.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Revert "cve-check: add lockfile to task" - asciidoc: update git repository - bitbake: build: Tweak exception handling for setscene tasks - bitbake: contrib: Fix hash server Dockerfile dependencies - bitbake: cooker: Improve parsing failure from handled exception usability - bitbake: data_smart: Fix overrides file/line message additions - bitbake: fetch2: ssh: username and password are optional - bitbake: tests/fetch: Handle upstream master -> main branch change - bitbake: utils: Ensure shell function failure in python logging is correct - build-appliance-image: Update to honister head revision - build-appliance-image: Update to honister head revision - coreutils: remove obsolete ignored CVE list - crate-fetch: fix setscene failures - cups: Add --with-dbusdir to :term:`EXTRA_OECONF` for deterministic build - cve-check: create directory of CVE_CHECK_MANIFEST before copy - cve-check: get_cve_info should open the database read-only - default-distrovars.inc: Switch connectivity check to a yoctoproject.org page - depmodwrapper-cross: add config directory option - devtool: deploy-target: Remove stripped binaries in pseudo context - devtool: explicitly set main or master branches in upgrades when available - docs: fix hardcoded link warning messages - documentation: conf.py: update for 3.4.2 - documentation: prepare for 3.4.3 release - expat: Upgrade to 2.4.7 - gcc-target: fix glob to remove gcc- binary - gcsections: add nativesdk-cairo to exclude list - go: update to 1.16.15 - gst-devtools: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gst-examples: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gstreamer1.0-libav: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gstreamer1.0-omx: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gstreamer1.0-plugins-base: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gstreamer1.0-plugins-good: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gstreamer1.0-python: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gstreamer1.0-rtsp-server: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gstreamer1.0-vaapi: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - gstreamer1.0: 1.18.5 -> 1.18.6 - harfbuzz: upgrade 2.9.0 -> 2.9.1 - initramfs-framework: unmount automounts before switch_root - kernel-devsrc: do not copy Module.symvers file during install - libarchive : update to 3.5.3 - libpcap: Disable DPDK explicitly - libxml-parser-perl: Add missing :term:`RDEPENDS` - linux-firmware: upgrade 20211216 -> 20220209 - linux-yocto/5.10: Fix ramoops/ftrace - linux-yocto/5.10: features/zram: remove CONFIG_ZRAM_DEF_COMP - linux-yocto/5.10: fix dssall build error with binutils 2.3.8 - linux-yocto/5.10: ppc/riscv: fix build with binutils 2.3.8 - linux-yocto/5.10: update genericx86* machines to v5.10.99 - linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.103 - mc: fix build if ncurses have been configured without wide characters - oeqa/buildtools: Switch to our webserver instead of example.com - patch.py: Prevent git repo reinitialization - perl: Improve and update module RPDEPENDS - poky.conf: bump version for 3.4.3 honister release - qemuboot: Fix build error if UNINATIVE_LOADER is unset - quilt: Disable external sendmail for deterministic build - recipetool: Fix circular reference in :term:`SRC_URI` - releases: update to include 3.3.5 - releases: update to include 3.4.2 - rootfs-postcommands: amend systemd_create_users add user to group check - ruby: update 3.0.2 -> 3.0.3 - scripts/runqemu-ifdown: Don't treat the last iptables command as special - sdk: fix search for dynamic loader - selftest: recipetool: Correct the URI for socat - sstate: inside the threadedpool don't write to the shared localdata - uninative: Upgrade to 3.5 - util-linux: upgrade to 2.37.4 - vim: Update to 8.2.4524 for further CVE fixes - wic: Use custom kernel path if provided - wireless-regdb: upgrade 2021.08.28 -> 2022.02.18 - zip: modify when match.S is built Contributors to 3.4.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Alexander Kanavin - Anuj Mittal - Bill Pittman - Bruce Ashfield - Chee Yang Lee - Christian Eggers - Daniel Gomez - Daniel Müller - Daniel Wagenknecht - Florian Amstutz - Joe Slater - Jose Quaresma - Justin Bronder - Lee Chee Yang - Michael Halstead - Michael Opdenacker - Oleksandr Ocheretnyi - Oleksandr Suvorov - Pavel Zhukov - Peter Kjellerstedt - Richard Purdie - Robert Yang - Ross Burton - Sakib Sajal - Saul Wold - Sean Anderson - Stefan Herbrechtsmeier - Tamizharasan Kumar - Tean Cunningham - Zoltán Böszörményi - pgowda - Wang Mingyu Repositories / Downloads for 3.4.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ poky - Repository Location: :yocto_git:`/poky` - Branch: :yocto_git:`honister ` - Tag: :yocto_git:`yocto-3.4.3 ` - Git Revision: :yocto_git:`ee68ae307fd951b9de6b31dc6713ea29186b7749 ` - Release Artefact: poky-ee68ae307fd951b9de6b31dc6713ea29186b7749 - sha: 92c3d73c3e74f0e1d5c2ab2836ce3a3accbe47772cea70df3755845e0db1379b - Download Locations: http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-3.4.3/poky-ee68ae307fd951b9de6b31dc6713ea29186b7749.tar.bz2, http://mirrors.kernel.org/yocto/yocto/yocto-3.4.3/poky-ee68ae307fd951b9de6b31dc6713ea29186b7749.tar.bz2 openembedded-core - Repository Location: :oe_git:`/openembedded-core` - Branch: :oe_git:`honister ` - Tag: :oe_git:`yocto-3.4.3 ` - Git Revision: :oe_git:`ebca8f3ac9372b7ebb3d39e8f7f930b63b481448 ` - Release Artefact: oecore-ebca8f3ac9372b7ebb3d39e8f7f930b63b481448 - sha: f28e503f6f6c0bcd9192dbd528f8e3c7bcea504c089117e0094d9a4f315f4b9f - Download Locations: http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-3.4.3/oecore-ebca8f3ac9372b7ebb3d39e8f7f930b63b481448.tar.bz2, http://mirrors.kernel.org/yocto/yocto/yocto-3.4.3/oecore-ebca8f3ac9372b7ebb3d39e8f7f930b63b481448.tar.bz2 meta-mingw - Repository Location: :yocto_git:`/meta-mingw` - Branch: :yocto_git:`honister ` - Tag: :yocto_git:`yocto-3.4.3 ` - Git Revision: :yocto_git:`f5d761cbd5c957e4405c5d40b0c236d263c916a8 ` - Release Artefact: meta-mingw-f5d761cbd5c957e4405c5d40b0c236d263c916a8 - sha: d4305d638ef80948584526c8ca386a8cf77933dffb8a3b8da98d26a5c40fcc11 - Download Locations: http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-3.4.3/meta-mingw-f5d761cbd5c957e4405c5d40b0c236d263c916a8.tar.bz2, http://mirrors.kernel.org/yocto/yocto/yocto-3.4.3/meta-mingw-f5d761cbd5c957e4405c5d40b0c236d263c916a8.tar.bz2 meta-gplv2 - Repository Location: :yocto_git:`/meta-gplv2` - Branch: :yocto_git:`honister ` - Tag: :yocto_git:`yocto-3.4.3 ` - Git Revision: :yocto_git:`f04e4369bf9dd3385165281b9fa2ed1043b0e400 ` - Release Artefact: meta-gplv2-f04e4369bf9dd3385165281b9fa2ed1043b0e400 - sha: ef8e2b1ec1fb43dbee4ff6990ac736315c7bc2d8c8e79249e1d337558657d3fe - Download Locations: http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-3.4.3/meta-gplv2-f04e4369bf9dd3385165281b9fa2ed1043b0e400.tar.bz2, http://mirrors.kernel.org/yocto/yocto/yocto-3.4.3/meta-gplv2-f04e4369bf9dd3385165281b9fa2ed1043b0e400.tar.bz2 bitbake - Repository Location: :oe_git:`/bitbake` - Branch: :oe_git:`1.52 ` - Tag: :oe_git:`yocto-3.4.3 ` - Git Revision: :oe_git:`43dcb2b2a2b95a5c959be57bca94fb7190ea6257 ` - Release Artefact: bitbake-43dcb2b2a2b95a5c959be57bca94fb7190ea6257 - sha: 92497ff97fed81dcc6d3e202969fb63ca983a8f5d9d91cafc6aee88312f79cf9 - Download Locations: http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-3.4.3/bitbake-43dcb2b2a2b95a5c959be57bca94fb7190ea6257.tar.bz2, http://mirrors.kernel.org/yocto/yocto/yocto-3.4.3/bitbake-43dcb2b2a2b95a5c959be57bca94fb7190ea6257.tar.bz2 yocto-docs - Repository Location: :yocto_git:`/yocto-docs` - Branch: :yocto_git:`honister ` - Tag: :yocto_git:`yocto-3.4.3 ` - Git Revision: :yocto_git:`15f46f97d9cad558c19fc1dc19cfbe3720271d04 `