.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK Release notes for 5.1 (styhead) --------------------------------- New Features / Enhancements in 5.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Linux kernel 6.10, gcc 14.2, glibc 2.40, LLVM 18.1.18, and over 300 other recipe upgrades. - New variables: - :term:`CVE_CHECK_MANIFEST_JSON_SUFFIX`: suffix for the CVE JSON manifest file. - :term:`PRSERV_UPSTREAM`: Upstream PR service (``host:port``) for the local PR server to connect to. - :term:`RECIPE_UPGRADE_EXTRA_TASKS`: space-delimited list of tasks to run after the new sources have been unpacked in the ``scripts/lib/devtool/upgrade.py`` upgrade() method. - :term:`UNPACKDIR`: allow change of the :ref:`ref-tasks-unpack` task directory. - Kernel-related changes: - The default kernel is the current stable (6.10), and there is also support for the latest long-term release (6.6). - New core recipes: - `fmt `__: an open-source formatting library for C++ (imported from meta-oe). - `xcb-util-errors `__: gives human readable names to error codes and event codes - QEMU / ``runqemu`` changes: - runqemu: ``QB_DRIVE_TYPE`` now support for sd card (``/dev/mmcblk``) - Trigger ``write_qemuboot_conf`` task on changes of kernel image realpath (:term:`KERNEL_IMAGE_NAME`). - Go changes: - New Go module fetcher (``gomod://``) for downloading module dependencies to the module cache from a module proxy. - New Go module fetcher (``gomodgit://``) for downloading module dependencies to the module cache directly from a git repository. - The old 1.4 Go bootstrap written in C has been dropped. The default Go bootstrap provider is now ``go-binary-native`` only. - Rust changes: - Cargo dependencies specified as git repositories now also have their git submodules checked out. - Rust is now built with its default set of tools instead of just ``rust-demangler``. - wic Image Creator changes: - Add the ``truncate`` utility in :term:`HOSTTOOLS`, needed by some wic commands. - The ``get_boot_files`` function is no longer part of the ``bootimg-partition`` plugin and is part of the common ``bootfiles.py`` library. - SDK-related changes: - Included ``nativesdk-python3-pip`` in :term:`buildtools` by default. - :ref:`ref-classes-nativesdk` now have :ref:`ref-tasks-package_qa` run when calling :ref:`ref-tasks-populate_sdk`. - A new 7zip archive type can be used to create the SDK by setting :term:`SDK_ARCHIVE_TYPE` to ``7zip``. - The :ref:`ref-classes-toolchain-scripts` class now exports the target endianness and wordsize in environment variables ``OECORE_TARGET_BITS`` and ``OECORE_TARGET_ENDIAN``. - Testing-related changes: - oeqa/selftest: Only rewrite envvars paths that absolutely point to :term:`BUILDDIR`. - oeqa/manual: remove obsolete CROPS and Eclipse manually testing scripts - Enable ptests for ``python3-cffi``, ``python3-idna``, ``python3-libarchive-c``, ``python3-mako``, ``python3-packaging``, ``python3-uritools`` and ``python3-rpds-py``. - Running tests on target with :ref:`ref-classes-testimage` can now be done over a serial connection. - Artifact collection when using the :ref:`ref-classes-testimage` class is now optional and allowed by making :term:`TESTIMAGE_FAILED_QA_ARTIFACTS` empty. - Artifacts from ``oeqa`` post-actions are now retrieved as whole archives instead of individual copies. The archive is left uncompressed on the host. - A test for the ``minidebuginfo`` feature of :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES` is now part of the test suite. - A test for building a kernel module was added to the SDK test suite. - oeqa/selftest: run test serially if neither the ``testtools`` or ``subunit`` Python modules have been found. - Artifact collection and test result collection are now separated and artifact collection can be controlled with the ``OEQA_ARTEFACT_DIR`` variable. - Utility script changes: - New ``cve-json-to-text`` script that converts the ``cve-check`` result from the JSON format to the TEXT format as ``cve-check`` removed text format. - New ``makefile-getvar`` script to extract value from a Makefile. - New ``pull-spdx-licenses`` script to pull SPDX license data, update license list JSON data and update license directory. - Several improvements in ``oe-build-perf-report`` report. - ``oe-debuginfod``: add parameter "-d" to store debuginfod files in project sub-directory. - ``resulttool``: support test report generation in JUnit XML format. - Remove ``install-buildtools`` "test installation" step harmless error messages. - ``bitbake-layers``: add a new subcommand ``show-machines`` to list the machines available in the currently configured layers. - BitBake changes: - Fetcher for Rust crates: added a check for latest upstream version. - ``syncrpc`` now requires a minimum version of the websockets module depend on Python version. - Improve ``bitbake-hashclient`` stress statistics reporting. - ``bitbake-hashserv`` added ``reuseport`` parameter to enable SO_REUSEPORT, allowing multiple servers to bind to the same port for load balancing - Improve cloning speed with :term:`BB_GIT_SHALLOW` and :term:`BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS`. - `BitBake` UI now includes log paths for failed task. - ``fetcher2``: support for wget and wget2. - ``fetcher2``: support npm package name with '@' character. - ``fetcher2``: remote name for ``git://`` is now ``origin`` by default. - Codeparser now support shell substitution in quotes, for example:: var1="$(cmd1 ...)" - Function code of pylib functions are now taken into account when computing taskhashes. - Fix ``_test_devtool_add_git_url`` test - Hashserv: add a batch stream API that reduces the round trip latency on the server. - The :ref:`ref-classes-prserv` class now uses a shared sqlite3 database to allow multiple processes to access the database. - The Python codeparser now skips the checksumming of external Python modules imported with ``from module import something``. - Enable batching of ``unihash`` queries to reduce the effect of latency when making multiple queries to the server. - Parser: improve cache invalidation reliability by using the mtime's nanoseconds, inode number and size of files. - When using the syntax ``addtask do_XXX before YYY after ZZZ``, bitbake now ensures that ``YYY`` and ``ZZZ`` are prefixed with ``do_``, to avoid unexpected failures. - ``devtool`` changes: - Fix ``_test_devtool_add_git_url`` test - ``update-recipe``, ``finish``: fix error when calling on another layer and having a localfile. - ``devtool check-upgrade-status`` now groups recipes when they need to be upgraded together. - Packaging changes: - When processing ``pkgconfig``'s ``pc`` files, also process "Requires.private" in addition to "Requires". This fixes a broken dependency list for IPKs and avoids installing unecessary recommended additional packages (and save disk usage). - Package management: make the extraction of IPK packages not depend on ``zst`` compression, as it can be changed with :term:`OPKGBUILDCMD`. - Remove support for ``DIRFILES`` of :ref:`ref-classes-package_rpm` as it is rpm-specific and untested. - Bump ``abi_version`` and ``package`` versions after recent ``pkgconfig`` changes. - Security changes: - The ``busybox`` default configuration now disables internal TLS code to use the ``openssl`` backend instead, for a more secure initial set of settings. - Limit ssh host keys pre-generation to qemu machines by default, for security purposes. - LLVM related changes: - Enable ``libllvm`` in :term:`PACKAGECONFIG` for native builds. - Fetch release tarballs instead of git checkouts to reduce disk usage. - :ref:`ref-classes-cve-check` changes: - The class :ref:`ref-classes-cve-check` now uses a local copy of the NVD database during builds. - New statuses can be reported by :ref:`ref-classes-cve-check`: - ``fix-file-included``: when a fix file has been included (set automatically) - ``version-not-in-range``: version number NOT in the vulnerable range (set automatically) - ``version-in-range``: version number IS in the vulnerable range (set automatically) - ``unknown``: impossible to conclude if the vulnerability is present or not - The TEXT output format was removed to favor the JSON format which offers more features. - Allow overriding the default "policies" from ``meta/conf/cve-check-map.conf`` by including it before distro include files in ``meta/conf/bitbake.conf``. - SPDX-related changes: - Update the SPDX license set too version 3.24.0, and produce SPDX output in version 3.0 by default, instead of 2.2. - New ``create-spdx-3.0`` class to generate SPDX 3.0 output (used by generic class :ref:`ref-classes-create-spdx`). New ``create-spdx-image-3.0`` class that is used when generating images and ``create-spdx-sdk-3.0`` for SDK based recipes. - New :ref:`ref-classes-nospdx` class that allows recipes to opt out of generating SPDX. - Specify the SPDX image purposes for ``tar``, ``cpio`` and ``wic`` images. - The :ref:`ref-classes-create-spdx` class now reports for :ref:`ref-classes-multilib*` classes. - Miscellaneous changes: - Fix reproducibility for ``spirv-tools`` - Allow selection of host key types used by openssh. - New glibc task ``do_symlist`` to list exported symbols. - ``initramfs-framework`` support for force reboot in the case of fatal error. - The :ref:`ref-classes-insane` class now checks for ``patch-status`` and ``pep517-backend`` by default. - New ``yocto-space-optimize`` include file to allow turning off debug compiler options for a small set of recipes to reduce build on disk footprint and package/sstate sizes. - Image creation tasks inheriting from the :ref:`ref-classes-image` class now produce a ``manifest.json`` file listing the images created. The output manifest path is defined by the :term:`IMAGE_OUTPUT_MANIFEST` variable. - New :ref:`ref-classes-vex` class generates the minimum information that is necessary for VEX generation by an external CVE checking tool. - New :ref:`ref-classes-retain` class creates a tarball of the work directory for a recipe when one of its tasks fails, or any other nominated directories. - New ``localpkgfeed`` class in meta-selftest to create a subset of the package feed that just contain the packages depended on by this recipe. - New :term:`PACKAGECONFIG` options for individual recipes: - ``appstream``: qt6 - ``cronie``: inotify - ``gstreamer1``.0-plugins-bad: gtk3 - ``libsdl2``: libsamplerate - ``mesa``: tegra - ``openssh``: hostkey-rsa hostkey-ecdsa hostkey-ed25519 - ``pciutils``: kmod zlib - ``piglit``: wayland - ``pulseaudio``: oss-output - ``python3``: staticlibpython - ``python3-jsonschema``: format-nongpl (previously "nongpl") - ``systemd``: bpf-framework - ``util-linux``: libmount-mountfd-support - Stop referring :term:`WORKDIR` for :term:`S` and :term:`B` and trigger :ref:`ref-classes-insane` errors when :term:`S` or :term:`B` are equal to :term:`WORKDIR`. - ``picolibc`` can now be used with :term:`TCLIBC` to build with ``picolibc`` as the C library. - ``openssh`` now uses ``sd_notify`` patch from upstream instead of custom one, which does not depend on libsystemd and is standalone. - ``cmake`` now uses the ``${COREBASE}/scripts/git`` wrapper instead of the host's, which is required during :ref:`ref-tasks-install` to call git while disabling fakeroot, and avoid "dubious ownership" git errors. - Default compiler option changes: - :term:`BUILD_CFLAGS` now includes the `-pipe` option by default. - Remove the ``eliminate-unused-debug-types`` option from the default compiler options since it is now included by default. - ``uninative`` updated to 4.6 for glibc 2.40 - Mark recipe ``meta-ide-support`` as machine specific with :term:`PACKAGE_ARCH`. - sstate: Drop intercept functions support which was only used by now removed ``siteconfig`` class. - sstate: Drop support for ``SSTATEPOSTINSTFUNC`` variable now that ``postfunc`` is available. - openssl: strip the test suite after building, reducing the build tree of 50% after installation. - u-boot: Refactor some of the :ref:`ref-tasks-configure` tasks into new functions, making it easier to modify using a bbappend. - The ``musl`` recipe now shows an error if used with :ref:`ref-classes-multilib*` enabled (``musl`` does not support multilib). - The ``git`` recipe is now configured with default configuration pointing to ``/etc/gitconfig`` for :ref:`ref-classes-native` recipes. - The ``apt-native`` recipe, used to compile ``dpkg`` and handle ``deb`` packages, was modified to avoid files being overriden by other packages when they share common files. Instead, prompt an error. - The :ref:`ref-tasks-savedefconfig` was moved from the u-boot and kernel recipes to the :ref:`ref-classes-cml1` class, so that more kbuild-based recipes can use it. - The :ref:`ref-classes-sanity` class now checks if user namespaces are enabled on the host as they are required for network isolation. - The recipe ``os-release`` is now part of :term:`SIGGEN_EXCLUDERECIPES_ABISAFE` and does not trigger a rebuild on a change for dependent tasks. - In :ref:`ref-classes-kernel-fitimage`, the existence of :term:`EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE` is checked more thoroughly to avoid false positives. - rootfs: ensure ``run-postinsts`` is not uninstalled when the *read-only-rootfs-delayed-postinsts* and *read-only-rootfs* :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES` are enabled. - Gcc can now use ``libc++`` as its runtime. - The variable ``CMDLINE_CONSOLE`` was removed from the :ref:`ref-classes-kernel` class, as it wasn't used anywhere. - ``python3``: make ``-core`` depend on ``-compression`` as it needs to import the ``zipfile`` module. - The classes :ref:`ref-classes-native` and :ref:`ref-classes-nativesdk` do not override the ``*FLAGS`` variables anymore, allowing users to use the ``+=`` syntax in recipes. - The ``multilib_script`` class (part of :ref:`ref-classes-multilib*`) now expands the ``MULTILIB_SCRIPTS`` variable before splitting the scripts, fixing some issues seen when :term:`PACKAGECONFIG` would conditionally modify it. Known Issues in 5.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``oeqa/runtime``: the ``beaglebone-yocto`` target fails the ``parselogs`` runtime test due to unexpected kernel error messages in the log (see :yocto_bugs:`bug 15624 ` on Bugzilla). Recipe License changes in 5.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following corrections have been made to the :term:`LICENSE` values set by recipes: - ``ccache``: ``GPL-3.0-or-later`` to ``GPL-3.0-or-later & MIT & BSL-1.0 & ISC`` after adding third-party licenses. - ``dejagnu``: update to ``GPL-3.0-only``. - ``gcr``: update to ``LGPL-2.0-only``. - ``glibc``: update to ``GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-or-later``. - ``gpgme``: update for different packages. - ``iw``: update to ``ISC``. - ``json-glib``: ``LGPL-2.1-only`` to ``LGPL-2.1-or-later`` after update to 1.10.0. - ``libgcrypt``: ``GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later`` to ``GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause``. Add BSD-3-Clause for poly1305-amd64-avx512.S. - ``linux-firmware``: set package :term:`LICENSE` for following firmware packages: - ``cc33xx`` - ``ath10k-wcn3990`` - ``qcom-adreno-g750`` - ``qcom-x1e80100-adreno`` - ``wfx`` - ``qcom-vpu`` - ``qcom-sm8550-audio-tplg`` - ``qcom-sm8650-audio-tplg`` - ``linaro-license`` - ``mali-csffw-arch108`` - ``lz4``: ``BSD-2-Clause | GPL-2.0-only`` to ``BSD-2-Clause | GPL-2.0-or-later`` after update to 1.10.0. - ``ppp``: add license ``RSA-MD`` . - ``python3-docutils``: ``PSF-2.0 & BSD-2-Clause & GPL-3.0-only`` to ``CC0-1.0 & ZPL-2.1 & BSD-2-Clause & GPL-3.0-only``. Add CC0 after update to 0.21.2. - ``tiff``: update to ``libtiff``. - ``unzip``: update to ``Info-ZIP``. - ``util-linux``: Add ``GPL-2.0-only`` after update to 2.40.1 (``GPL-2.0`` changed to ``GPL-2.0-only`` in README.licensing). - ``xz``: ``PD`` removed and ``0BSD`` added after update to 5.6.2. - ``xz``: add ``PD`` for xz, xz-dev and xz-doc package. - ``zip``: update to ``Info-ZIP``. Security Fixes in 5.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``apr``: :cve_nist:`2023-49582` - ``busybox``: :cve_nist:`2021-42380`, :cve_nist:`2023-42363`, :cve_nist:`2023-42364`, :cve_nist:`2023-42365`, :cve_nist:`2023-42366` - ``cups``: :cve_nist:`2024-35235` - ``curl``: :cve_nist:`2024-6197`, :cve_nist:`2024-6874`, :cve_nist:`2024-7264` - ``expat``: :cve_nist:`2024-45490`, :cve_nist:`2024-45491`, :cve_nist:`2024-45492`. - ``gcc``: :cve_nist:`2023-4039` - ``gdk-pixbuf``: :cve_nist:`2022-48622` - ``ghostscript``: :cve_nist:`2024-33869`, :cve_nist:`2023-52722`, :cve_nist:`2024-33870`, :cve_nist:`2024-33871`, :cve_nist:`2024-29510` - ``git``: :cve_nist:`2024-32002`, :cve_nist:`2024-32004`, :cve_nist:`2024-32020`, :cve_nist:`2024-32021`, :cve_nist:`2024-32465` - ``glibc``: :cve_nist:`2024-2961`, :cve_nist:`2024-33599`, :cve_nist:`2024-33600`, :cve_nist:`2024-33601`, :cve_nist:`2024-33602` - ``go``: :cve_nist:`2024-24790` - ``gtk+3``: :cve_nist:`2024-6655` - ``linux-yocto/6.10``: :cve_nist:`2020-16119` - ``linux-yocto/6.6``: :cve_nist:`2020-16119` - ``llvm``: :cve_nist:`2024-0151` - ``ncurses``: :cve_nist:`2023-50495`, :cve_nist:`2023-45918` - ``openssh``: :cve_nist:`2024-6387` - ``openssl``: :cve_nist:`2024-4603`, :cve_nist:`2024-4741` - ``ovmf``: :cve_nist:`2023-45236`, :cve_nist:`2023-45237`, :cve_nist:`2024-25742` - ``python3``: :cve_nist:`2024-7592`, :cve_nist:`2024-8088`, :cve_nist:`2024-6232` - ``ruby``: :cve_nist:`2024-27282`, :cve_nist:`2024-27281`, :cve_nist:`2024-27280` - ``tiff``: :cve_nist:`2024-7006` - ``vim``: :cve_nist:`2024-41957`, :cve_nist:`2024-41965`, :cve_nist:`2024-43374`, :cve_nist:`2024-43790`, :cve_nist:`2024-43802` - ``wget``: :cve_nist:`2024-38428` - ``wpa-supplicant``: :cve_nist:`2024-5290`, :cve_nist:`2023-52160` - ``xserver-xorg``: :cve_nist:`2024-31080`, :cve_nist:`2024-31081`, :cve_nist:`2024-31082`, :cve_nist:`2024-31083` Recipe Upgrades in 5.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``acpica`` 20240322 -> 20240827 - ``adwaita-icon-theme`` 45.0 -> 46.2 - ``alsa-lib`` 1.2.11 -> 1.2.12 - ``alsa-plugins`` -> 1.2.12 - ``alsa-ucm-conf`` 1.2.11 -> 1.2.12 - ``alsa-utils`` 1.2.11 -> 1.2.12 - ``asciidoc`` 10.2.0 -> 10.2.1 - ``at-spi2-core`` 2.50.1 -> 2.52.0 - ``attr`` 2.5.1 -> 2.5.2 - ``automake`` 1.16.5 -> 1.17 - ``base-passwd`` 3.6.3 -> 3.6.4 - ``bash`` 5.2.21 -> 5.2.32 - ``bash-completion`` 2.12.0 -> 2.14.0 - ``bind`` 9.18.28 -> 9.20.1 - ``binutils`` 2.42 -> 2.43.1 - ``binutils-cross`` 2.42 -> 2.43.1 - ``binutils-cross-canadian`` 2.42 -> 2.43.1 - ``binutils-crosssdk`` 2.42 -> 2.43.1 - ``bluez5`` 5.72 -> 5.78 - ``boost`` 1.84.0 -> 1.86.0 - ``boost-build-native`` 1.84.0 -> 1.86.0 - ``btrfs-tools`` 6.7.1 -> 6.10.1 - ``build-appliance-image`` 15.0.0 (bf88a67b4523…) -> 15.0.0 (7cc8bf7af794…) - ``ca-certificates`` 20211016 -> 20240203 - ``cairo`` 1.18.0 -> 1.18.2 - ``cargo`` 1.75.0 -> 1.79.0 - ``cargo-c-native`` 0.9.30+cargo-0.77.0 -> 0.10.3+cargo-0.81.0 - ``ccache`` 4.9.1 -> 4.10.2 - ``cmake`` 3.28.3 -> 3.30.2 - ``cmake-native`` 3.28.3 -> 3.30.2 - ``connman`` 1.42 -> 1.43 - ``coreutils`` 9.4 -> 9.5 - ``cracklib`` 2.9.11 -> 2.10.2 - ``createrepo-c`` 1.0.4 -> 1.1.4 - ``cross-localedef-native`` 2.39+git -> 2.40+git - ``cryptodev-linux`` 1.13+gitX -> 1.14 - ``cryptodev-module`` 1.13+gitX -> 1.14 - ``cryptodev-tests`` 1.13+gitX -> 1.14 - ``curl`` 8.7.1 -> 8.9.1 - ``debianutils`` 5.16 -> 5.20 - ``dhcpcd`` 10.0.6 -> 10.0.10 - ``diffoscope`` 259 -> 277 - ``dmidecode`` 3.5 -> 3.6 - ``dnf`` 4.19.0 -> 4.21.1 - ``dpkg`` 1.22.0 -> 1.22.11 - ``dropbear`` 2022.83 -> 2024.85 - ``e2fsprogs`` 1.47.0 -> 1.47.1 - ``ell`` 0.64 -> 0.68 - ``enchant2`` 2.6.7 -> 2.8.2 - ``encodings`` 1.0.7 -> 1.1.0 - ``epiphany`` 46.0 -> 46.3 - ``erofs-utils`` 1.7.1 -> 1.8.1 - ``ethtool`` 6.7 -> 6.10 - ``ffmpeg`` 6.1.1 -> 7.0.2 - ``findutils`` 4.9.0 -> 4.10.0 - ``freetype`` 2.13.2 -> 2.13.3 - ``fribidi`` 1.0.14 -> 1.0.15 - ``gcc`` 13.3.0 -> 14.2.0 - ``gcc-cross`` 13.3.0 -> 14.2.0 - ``gcc-cross-canadian`` 13.3.0 -> 14.2.0 - ``gcc-crosssdk`` 13.3.0 -> 14.2.0 - ``gcc-runtime`` 13.3.0 -> 14.2.0 - ``gcc-sanitizers`` 13.3.0 -> 14.2.0 - ``gcc-source`` 13.3.0 -> 14.2.0 - ``gcr`` 4.2.1 -> 4.3.0 - ``gdb`` 14.2 -> 15.1 - ``gdb-cross`` 14.2 -> 15.1 - ``gdb-cross-canadian`` 14.2 -> 15.1 - ``gdbm`` 1.23 -> 1.24 - ``gi-docgen`` 2023.3 -> 2024.1 - ``git`` 2.44.1 -> 2.46.0 - ``glib-2.0`` 2.78.6 -> 2.82.1 - ``glib-networking`` 2.78.1 -> 2.80.0 - ``glibc`` 2.39+git -> 2.40+git - ``glibc-locale`` 2.39+git -> 2.40+git - ``glibc-mtrace`` 2.39+git -> 2.40+git - ``glibc-scripts`` 2.39+git -> 2.40+git - ``glibc-testsuite`` 2.39+git -> 2.40+git - ``glibc-y2038-tests`` 2.39+git -> 2.40+git - ``glslang`` -> - ``gnu-config`` 20240101+git -> 20240823+git - ``gnu-efi`` 3.0.17 -> 3.0.18 - ``gnupg`` 2.4.4 -> 2.5.0 - ``gnutls`` 3.8.4 -> 3.8.6 - ``go-helloworld`` 0.1 (d9923f6970e9…) -> 0.1 (39e772fc2670…) - ``gobject-introspection`` 1.78.1 -> 1.80.1 - ``gptfdisk`` 1.0.9 -> 1.0.10 - ``gsettings-desktop-schemas`` 46.0 -> 47.1 - ``gst-devtools`` 1.22.12 -> 1.24.6 - ``gstreamer1.0`` 1.22.12 -> 1.24.6 - ``gstreamer1.0-libav`` 1.22.12 -> 1.24.6 - ``gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad`` 1.22.12 -> 1.24.6 - ``gstreamer1.0-plugins-base`` 1.22.12 -> 1.24.6 - ``gstreamer1.0-plugins-good`` 1.22.12 -> 1.24.6 - ``gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly`` 1.22.12 -> 1.24.6 - ``gstreamer1.0-python`` 1.22.12 -> 1.24.6 - ``gstreamer1.0-rtsp-server`` 1.22.12 -> 1.24.6 - ``gstreamer1.0-vaapi`` 1.22.12 -> 1.24.6 - ``gtk+3`` 3.24.41 -> 3.24.43 - ``gtk-doc`` 1.33.2 -> 1.34.0 - ``gtk4`` 4.14.1 -> 4.16.0 - ``harfbuzz`` 8.3.0 -> 9.0.0 - ``hicolor-icon-theme`` 0.17 -> 0.18 - ``hwlatdetect`` 2.6 -> 2.7 - ``icu`` 74-2 -> 75-1 - ``ifupdown`` 0.8.41 -> 0.8.43 - ``iproute2`` 6.7.0 -> 6.10.0 - ``iputils`` 20240117 -> 20240905 - ``iw`` 6.7 -> 6.9 - ``json-glib`` 1.8.0 -> 1.10.0 - ``kea`` 2.4.1 -> 2.6.1 - ``kexec-tools`` 2.0.28 -> 2.0.29 - ``kmod`` 31 -> 33 - ``kmscube`` 0.0.1+git (6ab022fdfcfe…) -> 0.0.1+git (467e86c5cbeb…) - ``less`` 643 -> 661 - ``libadwaita`` 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0 - ``libassuan`` 2.5.6 -> 3.0.1 - ``libbsd`` 0.12.1 -> 0.12.2 - ``libcap`` 2.69 -> 2.70 - ``libcomps`` 0.1.20 -> 0.1.21 - ``libdnf`` 0.73.2 -> 0.73.3 - ``libdrm`` 2.4.120 -> 2.4.123 - ``libedit`` 20230828-3.1 -> 20240808-3.1 - ``libevdev`` 1.13.1 -> 1.13.2 - ``libfontenc`` 1.1.7 -> 1.1.8 - ``libgcc`` 13.3.0 -> 14.2.0 - ``libgcc-initial`` 13.3.0 -> 14.2.0 - ``libgcrypt`` 1.10.3 -> 1.11.0 - ``libgfortran`` 13.3.0 -> 14.2.0 - ``libgit2`` 1.7.2 -> 1.8.1 - ``libgpg-error`` 1.48 -> 1.50 - ``libical`` 3.0.17 -> 3.0.18 - ``libinput`` 1.25.0 -> 1.26.1 - ``libjitterentropy`` 3.4.1 -> 3.5.0 - ``libksba`` 1.6.6 -> 1.6.7 - ``libnl`` 3.9.0 -> 3.10.0 - ``libpam`` 1.5.3 -> 1.6.1 - ``libpcap`` 1.10.4 -> 1.10.5 - ``libpciaccess`` 0.18 -> 0.18.1 - ``libpcre2`` 10.43 -> 10.44 - ``libpng`` 1.6.42 -> 1.6.43 - ``libportal`` 0.7.1 -> 0.8.1 - ``libproxy`` 0.5.4 -> 0.5.8 - ``librepo`` 1.17.0 -> 1.18.1 - ``librsvg`` 2.57.1 -> 2.58.2 - ``libsdl2`` 2.30.1 -> 2.30.7 - ``libslirp`` 4.7.0 -> 4.8.0 - ``libsolv`` 0.7.28 -> 0.7.30 - ``libsoup`` 3.4.4 -> 3.6.0 - ``libstd-rs`` 1.75.0 -> 1.79.0 - ``libtirpc`` 1.3.4 -> 1.3.5 - ``libtool`` 2.4.7 -> 2.5.2 - ``libtool-cross`` 2.4.7 -> 2.5.2 - ``libtool-native`` 2.4.7 -> 2.5.2 - ``libtraceevent`` 1.7.3 -> 1.8.3 - ``liburcu`` 0.14.0 -> 0.14.1 - ``liburi-perl`` 5.27 -> 5.28 - ``libva`` 2.20.0 -> 2.22.0 - ``libva-initial`` 2.20.0 -> 2.22.0 - ``libva-utils`` 2.20.1 -> 2.22.0 - ``libwebp`` 1.3.2 -> 1.4.0 - ``libwpe`` 1.14.2 -> 1.16.0 - ``libx11`` 1.8.9 -> 1.8.10 - ``libxcb`` 1.16 -> 1.17.0 - ``libxdmcp`` 1.1.4 -> 1.1.5 - ``libxfont2`` 2.0.6 -> 2.0.7 - ``libxkbcommon`` 1.6.0 -> 1.7.0 - ``libxml2`` 2.12.8 -> 2.13.3 - ``libxmlb`` 0.3.15 -> 0.3.19 - ``libxmu`` 1.1.4 -> 1.2.1 - ``libxslt`` 1.1.39 -> 1.1.42 - ``libxtst`` 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5 - ``lighttpd`` 1.4.74 -> 1.4.76 - ``linux-firmware`` 20240312 -> 20240909 - ``linux-libc-headers`` 6.6 -> 6.10 - ``linux-yocto`` 6.6.35+git -> 6.6.50+git, 6.10.8+git - ``linux-yocto-dev`` 6.9+git -> 6.11+git - ``linux-yocto-rt`` 6.6.35+git -> 6.6.50+git, 6.10.8+git - ``linux-yocto-tiny`` 6.6.35+git -> 6.6.50+git, 6.10.8+git - ``llvm`` 18.1.6 -> 18.1.8 - ``logrotate`` 3.21.0 -> 3.22.0 - ``ltp`` 20240129 -> 20240524 - ``lttng-modules`` 2.13.12 -> 2.13.14 - ``lttng-tools`` 2.13.13 -> 2.13.14 - ``lua`` 5.4.6 -> 5.4.7 - ``lz4`` 1.9.4 -> 1.10.0 - ``lzip`` 1.24 -> 1.24.1 - ``man-db`` 2.12.0 -> 2.12.1 - ``man-pages`` 6.06 -> 6.9.1 - ``mc`` 4.8.31 -> 4.8.32 - ``mdadm`` 4.2 -> 4.3 - ``meson`` 1.3.1 -> 1.5.1 - ``mkfontscale`` 1.2.2 -> 1.2.3 - ``mmc-utils`` 0.1+git (b5ca140312d2…) -> 0.1+git (123fd8b2ac39…) - ``mpg123`` 1.32.6 -> 1.32.7 - ``msmtp`` 1.8.25 -> 1.8.26 - ``mtd-utils`` 2.1.6 -> 2.2.0 - ``mtdev`` 1.1.6 -> 1.1.7 - ``mtools`` 4.0.43 -> 4.0.44 - ``musl`` 1.2.4+git -> 1.2.5+git - ``nativesdk-libtool`` 2.4.7 -> 2.5.2 - ``ncurses`` 6.4 -> 6.5 - ``nettle`` 3.9.1 -> 3.10 - ``nfs-utils`` 2.6.4 -> 2.7.1 - ``nghttp2`` 1.61.0 -> 1.63.0 - ``ninja`` 1.11.1 -> 1.12.1 - ``npth`` 1.6 -> 1.7 - ``ofono`` 2.4 -> 2.10 - ``opensbi`` 1.4 -> 1.5.1 - ``openssh`` 9.6p1 -> 9.8p1 - ``openssl`` 3.2.3 -> 3.3.1 - ``opkg`` 0.6.3 -> 0.7.0 - ``opkg-utils`` 0.6.3 -> 0.7.0 - ``ovmf`` edk2-stable202402 -> edk2-stable202408 - ``p11-kit`` 0.25.3 -> 0.25.5 - ``pango`` 1.52.1 -> 1.54.0 - ``pciutils`` 3.11.1 -> 3.13.0 - ``perl`` 5.38.2 -> 5.40.0 - ``perlcross`` 1.5.2 -> 1.6 - ``piglit`` 1.0+gitr (22eaf6a91cfd…) -> 1.0+gitr (c11c9374c144…) - ``pinentry`` 1.2.1 -> 1.3.1 - ``pkgconf`` 2.1.1 -> 2.3.0 - ``psmisc`` 23.6 -> 23.7 - ``ptest-runner`` 2.4.4+git -> 2.4.5+git - ``puzzles`` 0.0+git (80aac3104096…) -> 0.0+git (1c1899ee1c4e…) - ``python3-alabaster`` 0.7.16 -> 1.0.0 - ``python3-attrs`` 23.2.0 -> 24.2.0 - ``python3-babel`` 2.14.0 -> 2.16.0 - ``python3-bcrypt`` 4.1.2 -> 4.2.0 - ``python3-beartype`` 0.17.2 -> 0.18.5 - ``python3-build`` 1.1.1 -> 1.2.1 - ``python3-certifi`` 2024.2.2 -> 2024.8.30 - ``python3-cffi`` 1.16.0 -> 1.17.0 - ``python3-cryptography`` 42.0.5 -> 42.0.8 - ``python3-cryptography-vectors`` 42.0.5 -> 42.0.8 - ``python3-cython`` 3.0.8 -> 3.0.11 - ``python3-dbusmock`` 0.31.1 -> 0.32.1 - ``python3-docutils`` 0.20.1 -> 0.21.2 - ``python3-dtschema`` 2024.2 -> 2024.5 - ``python3-git`` 3.1.42 -> 3.1.43 - ``python3-hatchling`` 1.21.1 -> 1.25.0 - ``python3-hypothesis`` 6.98.15 -> 6.111.2 - ``python3-idna`` 3.7 -> 3.8 - ``python3-jsonpointer`` 2.4 -> 3.0.0 - ``python3-jsonschema`` 4.21.1 -> 4.23.0 - ``python3-libarchive-c`` 5.0 -> 5.1 - ``python3-license-expression`` 30.2.0 -> 30.3.1 - ``python3-lxml`` 5.0.0 -> 5.3.0 - ``python3-mako`` 1.3.2 -> 1.3.5 - ``python3-markdown`` 3.5.2 -> 3.6 - ``python3-maturin`` 1.4.0 -> 1.7.1 - ``python3-meson-python`` 0.15.0 -> 0.16.0 - ``python3-more-itertools`` 10.2.0 -> 10.4.0 - ``python3-packaging`` 23.2 -> 24.1 - ``python3-pbr`` 6.0.0 -> 6.1.0 - ``python3-pip`` 24.0 -> 24.2 - ``python3-pluggy`` 1.4.0 -> 1.5.0 - ``python3-psutil`` 5.9.8 -> 6.0.0 - ``python3-pyasn1`` 0.5.1 -> 0.6.0 - ``python3-pycairo`` 1.26.0 -> 1.26.1 - ``python3-pycparser`` 2.21 -> 2.22 - ``python3-pyelftools`` 0.30 -> 0.31 - ``python3-pygments`` 2.17.2 -> 2.18.0 - ``python3-pygobject`` 3.46.0 -> 3.48.2 - ``python3-pyopenssl`` 24.0.0 -> 24.2.1 - ``python3-pyparsing`` 3.1.1 -> 3.1.4 - ``python3-pyproject-metadata`` 0.7.1 -> 0.8.0 - ``python3-pytest`` 8.0.2 -> 8.3.2 - ``python3-pytest-subtests`` 0.11.0 -> 0.13.1 - ``python3-pyyaml`` 6.0.1 -> 6.0.2 - ``python3-referencing`` 0.33.0 -> 0.35.1 - ``python3-requests`` 2.31.0 -> 2.32.3 - ``python3-rpds-py`` 0.18.0 -> 0.20.0 - ``python3-scons`` 4.6.0 -> 4.8.0 - ``python3-setuptools`` 69.1.1 -> 72.1.0 - ``python3-setuptools-rust`` 1.9.0 -> 1.10.1 - ``python3-setuptools-scm`` 8.0.4 -> 8.1.0 - ``python3-sphinx`` 7.2.6 -> 8.0.2 - ``python3-sphinxcontrib-applehelp`` 1.0.8 -> 2.0.0 - ``python3-sphinxcontrib-devhelp`` 1.0.6 -> 2.0.0 - ``python3-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp`` 2.0.5 -> 2.1.0 - ``python3-sphinxcontrib-qthelp`` 1.0.7 -> 2.0.0 - ``python3-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml`` 1.1.10 -> 2.0.0 - ``python3-testtools`` 2.7.1 -> 2.7.2 - ``python3-trove-classifiers`` 2024.2.23 -> 2024.7.2 - ``python3-typing-extensions`` 4.10.0 -> 4.12.2 - ``python3-uritools`` 4.0.2 -> 4.0.3 - ``python3-urllib3`` 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2 - ``python3-webcolors`` 1.13 -> 24.8.0 - ``python3-websockets`` 12.0 -> 13.0.1 - ``python3-wheel`` 0.42.0 -> 0.44.0 - ``python3-zipp`` 3.17.0 -> 3.20.1 - ``qemu`` 8.2.3 -> 9.0.2 - ``qemu-native`` 8.2.3 -> 9.0.2 - ``qemu-system-native`` 8.2.3 -> 9.0.2 - ``quilt`` 0.67 -> 0.68 - ``quilt-native`` 0.67 -> 0.68 - ``readline`` 8.2 -> 8.2.13 - ``repo`` 2.42 -> 2.46 - ``rng-tools`` 6.16 -> 6.17 - ``rpcbind`` 1.2.6 -> 1.2.7 - ``rsync`` 3.2.7 -> 3.3.0 - ``rt-tests`` 2.6 -> 2.7 - ``ruby`` 3.2.2 -> 3.3.4 - ``rust`` 1.75.0 -> 1.79.0 - ``rust-cross-canadian`` 1.75.0 -> 1.79.0 - ``rust-llvm`` 1.75.0 -> 1.79.0 - ``shaderc`` 2023.8 -> 2024.1 - ``shadow`` 4.14.2 -> 4.16.0 - ``spirv-headers`` -> - ``spirv-tools`` -> - ``sqlite3`` 3.45.1 -> 3.46.1 - ``strace`` 6.7 -> 6.10 - ``stress-ng`` 0.17.05 -> 0.18.02 - ``sysklogd`` 2.5.2 -> 2.6.1 - ``sysstat`` 12.7.5 -> 12.7.6 - ``systemd`` 255.4 -> 256.5 - ``systemd-boot`` 255.4 -> 256.5 - ``systemd-boot-native`` 255.4 -> 256.5 - ``systemtap`` 5.0 -> 5.1 - ``systemtap-native`` 5.0 -> 5.1 - ``taglib`` 2.0.1 -> 2.0.2 - ``tcl`` 8.6.13 -> 8.6.14 - ``texinfo`` 7.0.3 -> 7.1 - ``ttyrun`` 2.31.0 -> 2.34.0 - ``u-boot`` 2024.01 -> 2024.07 - ``u-boot-tools`` 2024.01 -> 2024.07 - ``util-linux`` 2.39.3 -> 2.40.2 - ``util-linux-libuuid`` 2.39.3 -> 2.40.2 - ``util-macros`` 1.20.0 -> 1.20.1 - ``vala`` 0.56.15 -> 0.56.17 - ``valgrind`` 3.22.0 -> 3.23.0 - ``vte`` 0.74.2 -> 0.76.3 - ``vulkan-headers`` -> - ``vulkan-loader`` -> - ``vulkan-samples`` git (2307c3eb5608…) -> git (fdce530c0295…) - ``vulkan-tools`` -> - ``vulkan-utility-libraries`` -> - ``vulkan-validation-layers`` -> - ``vulkan-volk`` -> - ``waffle`` 1.7.2 -> 1.8.1 - ``wayland`` 1.22.0 -> 1.23.1 - ``wayland-protocols`` 1.33 -> 1.37 - ``webkitgtk`` 2.44.1 -> 2.44.3 - ``weston`` 13.0.1 -> 13.0.3 - ``wget`` 1.21.4 -> 1.24.5 - ``wpa-supplicant`` 2.10 -> 2.11 - ``x264`` r3039+git (baee400fa9ce…) -> r3039+git (31e19f92f00c…) - ``xauth`` 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 - ``xcb-proto`` 1.16.0 -> 1.17.0 - ``xev`` 1.2.5 -> 1.2.6 - ``xkeyboard-config`` 2.41 -> 2.42 - ``xmlto`` 0.0.28+0.0.29+git -> 0.0.29 - ``xorgproto`` 2023.2 -> 2024.1 - ``xwayland`` 23.2.5 -> 24.1.2 - ``xz`` 5.4.6 -> 5.6.2 - ``zstd`` 1.5.5 -> 1.5.6 Contributors to 5.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to the following people who contributed to this release: - Adithya Balakumar - Adriaan Schmidt - Adrian Freihofer - Alban Bedel - Alejandro Hernandez Samaniego - Aleksandar Nikolic - Alessandro Pecugi - Alexander Kanavin - Alexander Sverdlin - Alexandre Belloni - Alexandre Truong - Alexis Lothoré - Andrew Fernandes - Andrew Oppelt - Andrey Zhizhikin - Anton Almqvist - Antonin Godard - Anuj Mittal - Archana Polampalli - Bartosz Golaszewski - Benjamin Bara - Benjamin Szőke - Bruce Ashfield - Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez - Changhyeok Bae - Changqing Li - Chen Qi - Chris Laplante - Chris Spencer - Christian Bräuner Sørensen - Christian Lindeberg - Christian Taedcke - Clara Kowalsky - Clément Péron - Colin McAllister - Corentin Lévy - Daniel Klauer - Daniel Semkowicz - Daniil Batalov - Dan McGregor - Deepesh Varatharajan - Deepthi Hemraj - Denys Dmytriyenko - Divya Chellam - Dmitry Baryshkov - Emil Kronborg - Enguerrand de Ribaucourt - Enrico Jörns - Esben Haabendal - Etienne Cordonnier - Fabio Estevam - Felix Nilsson - Florian Amstutz - Gassner, Tobias.ext - Gauthier HADERER - Guðni Már Gilbert - Harish Sadineni - Heiko Thole - Het Patel - Hongxu Jia - Igor Opaniuk - Intaek Hwang - Iskander Amara - Jaeyoon Jung - Jan Vermaete - Jasper Orschulko - Joe Slater - Johannes Schneider - John Ripple - Jonas Gorski - Jonas Munsin - Jonathan GUILLOT - Jon Mason - Jookia - Jordan Crouse - Jörg Sommer - Jose Quaresma - Joshua Watt - Julien Stephan - Kai Kang - Kari Sivonen - Khem Raj - Kirill Yatsenko - Konrad Weihmann - Lee Chee Yang - Lei Maohui - Leon Anavi - Leonard Göhrs - Louis Rannou - Marc Ferland - Marcus Folkesson - Marek Vasut - Mark Hatle - Markus Volk - Marlon Rodriguez Garcia - Marta Rybczynska - Martin Hundebøll - Martin Jansa - Matthew Bullock - Matthias Pritschet - Maxin B. John - Michael Glembotzki - Michael Haener - Michael Halstead - Michael Opdenacker - Michal Sieron - Mikko Rapeli - Mingli Yu - Naveen Saini - Niko Mauno - Ninette Adhikari - Noe Galea - Ola x Nilsson - Oleksandr Hnatiuk - Otavio Salvador - Patrick Wicki - Paul Barker - Paul Eggleton - Paul Gerber - Pedro Ferreira - Peter Kjellerstedt - Peter Marko - Philip Lorenz - Poonam Jadhav - Primoz Fiser - Quentin Schulz - Ralph Siemsen - Rasmus Villemoes - Ricardo Simoes - Richard Purdie - Robert Joslyn - Robert Kovacsics - Robert Yang - Ross Burton - Rudolf J Streif - Ryan Eatmon - Sabeeh Khan - Sakib Sajal - Samantha Jalabert - Siddharth Doshi - simit.ghane - Simone Weiß - Soumya Sambu - Sreejith Ravi - Stefan Mueller-Klieser - Sundeep KOKKONDA - Sven Schwermer - Teresa Remmet - Theodore A. Roth - Thomas Perrot - Tim Orling - Tom Hochstein - Trevor Gamblin - Troels Dalsgaard Hoffmeyer - Tronje Krabbe - Ulrich Ölmann - Victor Kamensky - Vijay Anusuri - Vincent Kriek - Vivek Puar - Wadim Egorov - Wang Mingyu - Weisser, Pascal.ext - Willy Tu - Xiangyu Chen - Yang-Mark Zhang - Yash Shinde - Yi Zhao - Yoann Congal - Yogita Urade - Yuri D'Elia - Zahir Hussain - Zev Weiss - Zoltan Boszormenyi Repositories / Downloads for Yocto-5.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~