.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK Release 5.1 (styhead) ===================== Migration notes for 5.1 (styhead) --------------------------------- This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto Project 5.1 Release (codename "styhead") from the prior release. .. _migration-5.1-workdir-changes: :term:`WORKDIR` changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S = ${WORKDIR} no longer supported ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If a recipe has :term:`S` set to be :term:`WORKDIR`, this is no longer supported, and an error will be issued. The recipe should be changed to:: S = "${WORKDIR}/sources" UNPACKDIR = "${S}" Any :term:`WORKDIR` references where files from :term:`SRC_URI` are referenced should be changed to :term:`S`. These are commonly in :ref:`ref-tasks-compile`, :ref:`ref-tasks-compile`, :ref:`ref-tasks-install` and :term:`LIC_FILES_CHKSUM`. :term:`WORKDIR` references in recipes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :term:`WORKDIR` references in other recipes need auditing. If they reference files from :term:`SRC_URI`, they likely need changing to :term:`UNPACKDIR`. These are commonly in :ref:`ref-tasks-compile` and :ref:`ref-tasks-install` for things like service or configuration files. One unusual case is ``${WORKDIR}/${BP}`` which should probably be set to ``${S}``. References to ``../`` in :term:`LIC_FILES_CHKSUM` or elsewhere may need changing to :term:`UNPACKDIR`. References to :term:`WORKDIR` in ``sed`` commands are usually left as they are. General notes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Files from :ref:`ref-tasks-unpack` now unpack to ``WORKDIR/sources-unpack/`` rather than ``WORKDIR/``. If :term:`S` is set to a subdirectory under :term:`WORKDIR` and that subdirectory exists in ``sources-unpack`` after :ref:`ref-tasks-unpack` runs, it is moved to :term:`WORKDIR`. This means that ``S = "${WORKDIR}/${BP}"``, ``S = "${WORKDIR}/git"`` and also deeper paths continue to work as expected without changes. We cannot use symlinks to do this as it breaks autotools based recipes. Keeping all sources under ``sources-unpack`` wasn't considered as it meant more invasive recipes changes. The key objective was separating the :ref:`ref-tasks-unpack` task output from :term:`WORKDIR`. Previously, :term:`S` was always created but after the recent changes it is no longer the case. This means the check in ``do_unpack_qa`` triggers where :term:`S` is not created by a recipe while it didn't happen before. This can require to add an :term:`S` definition to a recipe that only uses ``file://`` :term:`SRC_URI` entries. To be consistent, the following pattern is recommended:: S = "${WORKDIR}/sources" UNPACKDIR = "${S}" Building C files from :term:`UNPACKDIR` without setting :term:`S` to point at it does not work as the debug prefix mapping doesn't handle that. ``devtool`` and ``recipetool`` have been updated to handle this and their support for ``S = WORKDIR`` and ``oe-local-files`` has been removed. .. _migration-5.1-supported-kernel-versions: Supported kernel versions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :term:`OLDEST_KERNEL` setting is still "5.15" in this release, meaning that out the box, older kernels are not supported. See :ref:`4.3 migration notes ` for details. .. _migration-5.1-supported-distributions: Supported distributions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compared to the previous releases, running BitBake is supported on new GNU/Linux distributions: - Ubuntu 24.10 - Fedora 40 - OpenSUSE Leap 15.5 - OpenSUSE Leap 15.6 On the other hand, some earlier distributions are no longer supported: - Ubuntu 23.04 See :ref:`all supported distributions `. .. _migration-5.1-go-changes: Go language changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - After dropping the custom :ref:`ref-tasks-unpack` from the :ref:`ref-classes-go` class, go recipes should now add ``destsuffix=${GO_SRCURI_DESTSUFFIX}`` to their :term:`SRC_URI` to extract them in the appropriate path. An example would be:: SRC_URI = "git://go.googlesource.com/example;branch=master;protocol=https;destsuffix=${GO_SRCURI_DESTSUFFIX}" - Go modules are no longer compiled with ``--linkmode=external``. .. _migration-5.1-systemd-changes: systemd changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - New :term:`PACKAGECONFIG` value ``bpf-framework`` used to pre-compile eBPFs that are required for the systemd.resource-control features ``RestrictFileSystems`` and ``RestrictNetworkInterfaces``. .. _migration-5.1-recipe-changes: Recipe changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``gobject-introspection``: the ``giscanner`` utility is now shipped as a separate package in ``gobject-introspection-tools``. - ``perf`` no longer uses ``libnewt`` for compiling its TUI. - ``openssl``: do not build the test suite unless ptests are enabled. .. _migration-5.1-removed-variables: Removed variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following variables have been removed: - ``TCLIBCAPPEND`` is now removed as sharing :term:`TMPDIR` for multiple libc providers has been supported for years. - ``VOLATILE_LOG_DIR``: :term:`FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLES` is now used instead. By default, :term:`FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLES` now contains the value ``files/fs-perms-volatile-log.txt``, which means that volatile log is enabled. Users can disable the volatile log by removing the value ``files/fs-perms-volatile-log.txt`` from :term:`FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLES`. - ``VOLATILE_TMP_DIR``: :term:`FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLES` is now used instead. By default, :term:`FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLES` now contains the value ``files/fs-perms-volatile-tmp.txt``, which means that volatile tmp is enabled. Users can disable the volatile tmp by removing the value ``files/fs-perms-volatile-tmp.txt`` from :term:`FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLES`. .. _migration-5.1-removed-recipes: Removed recipes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following recipes have been removed in this release: - ``liba52``: superseded by ``ffmpeg`` - ``libomxil``: recipe removed as its only consumer, the gstreamer omx plugin, was removed and has not been developed for several years - ``libnewt``: moved to meta-oe - ``mpeg2dec``: inactive for 10 years and superseded by ``ffmpeg`` - ``pytest-runner``: moved to meta-python - ``python3-importlib-metadata``: moved to meta-python - ``python3-pathlib2``: moved to meta-python - ``python3-py``: moved to meta-python - ``python3-rfc3986-validator``: moved to meta-python - ``python3-toml``: moved to meta-python - ``python3-tomli``: moved to meta-python - ``usbinit``: recipe was poorly named as it is a gadget Ethernet driver. Gadget Ethernet is of questionable use now and usbinit isn't referenced/used anywhere within OE-Core. .. _migration-5.1-removed-classes: Removed classes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following classes have been removed in this release: - ``siteconfig``: removed as it was only used by ``ncurses`` and ``zlib`` and adding minimal added-value for a considerable amount of added runtime. .. _migration-5.1-misc-changes: Miscellaneous changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `oe-selftest` now only rewrites environment variable paths that absolutely point to builddir (i.e ``X=$BUILDDIR/conf/`` is still rewritten to point to the `oe-selftest` ``conf/`` directory but not ``Y=$BUILDDIR/../bitbake/`` which still point to the ``bitbake/`` directory) For example (taken from :yocto_ab:`autobuilder <>` environment): :term:`BB_LOGCONFIG` is set as: ``BB_LOGCONFIG="${BUILDDIR}/../bitbake/contrib/autobuilderlog.json"``. Note the relative path starting from the build directory to outside of it. This path is not changed by `oe-selftest` anymore. Environment variables containing relative paths from tested build directory to outside of the original build directory may need to be updated as they won't be changed by `oe-selftest`. - Several sanity checks from the :ref:`ref-classes-insane` class, such as ``buildpaths``, have been promoted to errors instead of warnings. - The ``license-incompatible`` :term:`ERROR_QA` sanity check was renamed to ``license-exception``.