[meta-freescale] Xorg fails to start on "test Initializing EXA" on Nitrogen6x [Was] Fixes current ...

Diego diego.ml at zoho.com
Fri Apr 26 06:04:36 PDT 2013

In data mercoledì 24 aprile 2013 13:30:47, Otavio Salvador ha scritto:
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Diego <diego.ml at zoho.com> wrote:
> ...
> > For mesa-demo I cross-compiled the mesa-demo-8.0.1 (planning to move to
> > 8.1.0 which has been released just a couple of month ago
> > http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/demos/tag/?id=mesa-demos-8.1.0 ). In
> > particular I built the es2 demos, which are not enabled by default in the
> > Makefile:
> > http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/demos/tree/src/egl/opengles2
> How did you build them? I did try to include --enable-gles2 but these
> were not build.

I remember having that problem on mesa demos 8.0.1 too. The manual workaround 
was to run "make" in the opengles2 folder.

With mesa demos 8.1.0 I don't have this problem anymore. Both cmake 
(autodetection) and autoconf (via --enable-gles2) build correctly everything 
in opengles2.

> > For Vivante demos I mean the gpu_sdk_v1.00.tar.gz file which is available
> > here under the voice "Snippets, Boot Code, Headers, Monitors, etc.",
> > called "IMX6_GPU_SDK":
> > http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=i.MX6Q&fpsp
> > =1&tab=Design_Tools_Tab
> Looking forward to hear from you :-) Please send the recipe :-)

I'll work on in it.

> > The current status is still the same as I described here:
> > https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/meta-freescale/2013-April/001963.
> > html So I have white windows with mesa demos, and black windows with
> > Vivante Samples.
> > 
> > I'll try with glmark2-es2 as suggested here:
> > https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/meta-freescale/2013-April/001965.
> > html but I don't expect any improvement.
> > 
> > Anybody else with the same problem on Nitrogen6x? Anybody else has results
> > for these tests (I can provide binaries, if anybody asks)?
> It seems windowed mode is currently broken; there's no known
> workaround or solution for it yet.

With that do you mean fullscreen mode is working fine? Have you been able to 
run any demo / program OpenGL ES accelerated on Nitrogen in X11?


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