[meta-freescale] Looking for recommendations to help evaluate Freescale LS1021A...

Bob Cochran yocto at mindchasers.com
Tue Oct 22 19:34:33 PDT 2013

> For i.MX we have many supported boards; you can see the full list at
> our Release Notes[1].
> 1. http://freescale.github.io/doc/release-notes/1.5/

Thanks Otavio.  I'm leaning towards the sabre-lite design.  Could 
someone please clarify whether there are any notable differences / 
advantages when comparing the Boundary and Element14 boards?

I see from the jpegs of the two boards that they are very similar and 
are both built from a Freescale sabre lite reference.  Are the only 
differences the connectors and silkscreen?


> The right SoC is very project specific so it is hard to give a good
> advise; regarding possible evaluation boards you have many available
> and I'd say for you to try to choose one with support on this BSP so
> it easy your initial development.
> I hope this gives you some pointers where to start.
> Regards,

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