[meta-ti] RFC: 2 possible workarounds for recipes-misc dependency on Angstrom

Maupin, Chase chase.maupin at ti.com
Fri Sep 14 13:06:17 PDT 2012

> -----Original Message-----
> From: meta-ti-bounces at yoctoproject.org [mailto:meta-ti-
> bounces at yoctoproject.org] On Behalf Of Dmytriyenko, Denys
> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 1:43 AM
> To: meta-ti at yoctoproject.org
> Subject: [meta-ti] RFC: 2 possible workarounds for recipes-misc
> dependency on Angstrom
> Koen et al,
> There will be 2 patches sent under this thread that try to
> resolve the
> dependency of recipes-misc/images on meta-angstrom layer w/o
> (re)moving those
> recipes. Those are just 2 possible alternatives of fixing it up
> for now. The
> third option would be to move the recipes-misc/images to another
> layer, once
> we agree on its name/location and other details. Nobody wants to
> just remove
> those recipes w/o giving them a proper home. Which also means,
> that one of the
> proposed 2 workarounds can still be used temporarily until such
> home is found.
> [Or, one of the two can be the final solution, if we decide not
> to move...]
> Please at least consider these patches and don't blindly dismiss
> them, as this
> matter is quite a hot button.

Denys, is it worth pulling these things in just to remove them when meta-beagle is created?  I think the better course is to do what you have done which is spell out the policy for meta-ti clearly and let these recipes get moved.  I think what is missing is a reasonable time frame being set for when these recipes will be removed from meta-ti.  Maybe I'm missing something here but it seems like if we are planning a cleanup of meta-ti that we shouldn't start it with first adding more things to cleanup.

So really I think the question is do we have an agreement on "meta-beagle" or whatever it should be called, a timeline for it to be created and the recipes moved?  Let's make meta-ti be the foundation BSP that we can all build on top of and nothing more or less.

> --
> Denys
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