[poky] [PATCH 0/1] linux-libc-headers-yocto: disable device tree generation
Bruce Ashfield
bruce.ashfield at windriver.com
Mon Feb 14 13:42:38 PST 2011
This fixed the error picked up overnight where the libc-headers
fails because there is no dtb to install.
Note: this could have been fixed by factoring out the include
of linux-dtb.inc into the individual recipes rather than by
modifying the libc-headers rule to set the KERNEL_DEVICETREE
to nothing. But the libc-headers is the exception and most
any other recipe that includes linux-yocto.inc needs this
enabled, so I opted to leave the includes as they were.
Pull URL: git://git.pokylinux.org/poky-contrib.git
Branch: zedd/kernel
Browse: http://git.pokylinux.org/cgit.cgi/poky-contrib/log/?h=zedd/kernel
Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfield at windriver.com>
Bruce Ashfield (1):
linux-libc-headers-yocto: disable device tree generation
.../linux-libc-headers-yocto_git.bb | 4 ++++
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
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