[poky] No rootfs for beagleboard after bernard 5.0

Darren Hart dvhart at linux.intel.com
Wed May 11 16:07:40 PDT 2011

On 05/11/2011 01:51 PM, Robert Berger wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build poky-image-sato-sdk branch bernard-5.0.1 for the
> beagleboard. It has the following error:
> ERROR: Function 'File:
> '/work/rber/poky-bernard-5.0.1-arm-beagle/downloads/distcc-2.18.3.tar.bz2'
> has md5 checksum 2279f50fe7b688c8d6762a3e095a302a when
> 0d6b80a1efc3a3d816c4f4175f63eaa2 was expected (from URL:
> 'http://distcc.samba.org/ftp/distcc/distcc-2.18.3.tar.bz2')' failed

Please try a couple things:

1) refetch distcc
   $ bitbake -c fetch -f distcc

If that still fails:

2) update the MD5 in the distcc recipe and try to rebuild.

If that works, we need a patch to update the MD5.


> ... and no rootfs ...
> rber at yocto-vm-1:/work/rber/poky-bernard-5.0.1-arm-beagle/tmp/deploy/images$
> ls
> licenses
> MLO-beagleboard
> MLO-beagleboard-1.42+r13+git1+6f3a26101303051e0f91b6213735b68ce804e94e-r13
> modules-
> u-boot-beagleboard.bin
> u-boot-beagleboard-v2010.12+r1+git1+264eaa0ea967bac32214b87d60cfc86c8b22cac6-r1.bin
> uImage-2.6.37+git1+212cae404e57ff9dc58c808035770d51325c3512_1+2b2ef940457f0bb40e0fb76937c921c2962364ca-r16-beagleboard-20110511114121.bin
> uImage-beagleboard.bin
> x-load-beagleboard-1.42+r13+git1+6f3a26101303051e0f91b6213735b68ce804e94e-r13.bin.ift
> x-load-beagleboard.bin.ift
> Something similar happened with the latest and greatest from git (that's
> why I was trying this)
> Am I missing something or is poky-image-sato-sdk for the beagleboard broken?
> Regards,
> Robert
> ...If the code and the comments disagree, both are probably wrong.
> My public pgp key is available at:
> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x90320BF1
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Darren Hart
Intel Open Source Technology Center
Yocto Project - Linux Kernel

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