[poky] QEMU networking

Gary Thomas gary at mlbassoc.com
Thu May 12 09:10:10 PDT 2011

I'm having a devil of a time getting networking to work when
I run qemu (a Poky derived image, of course!)  I'm running this
on a box which itself is NAT'd to the real internet, like this:

    +-------------+        +------------------+
    |   QEMUarm   |<------>|   My_Desktop     |<----> Internet
    | |        |    |
    +-------------+        |  |

Firstly, something is messing with the routing tables over time
and I can't get past the first hop.  If I reconfigure the network
on the QEMU system like this:
   # ifconfig eth0 down
   # ifconfig eth0 up
   # route add default gw
I can then access past "My_Desktop", e.g.
   # ping
   # ping    (www.google.com)
This works fine and the routing table (route.good) is correct.

A little while later (minutes), the routing changes and now I can't
get past 'My_Desktop' (i.e. I can ping, but not
The routing table has changed (route.bad)

What causes this?  I don't have avahi running anywhere and I've explicitly
disabled that daemon on the QEMU system.

Finally, there seems to be no name resolution - /etc/resolv.conf comes
up as:
If I want to resolve any real names, I have to update it manually.

Note: I'm running core-image-sato with web-webkit added using zypper.

Are others actually using the network with QEMU images?  like this?

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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