[poky] [PATCH 2/2] distrodata.bbclass: Add checklicense task

Mei, Lei lei.mei at intel.com
Mon May 16 05:30:02 PDT 2011

Hi Josh,

	Thanks for your comments, I am very appreciate of that.
	I have revised these patches and sent a new pull-request to mail list, please review it.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: poky-bounces at yoctoproject.org [mailto:poky-bounces at yoctoproject.org]
>On Behalf Of Joshua Lock
>Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2011 1:14 AM
>To: poky at yoctoproject.org
>Subject: Re: [poky] [PATCH 2/2] distrodata.bbclass: Add checklicense task
>On Thu, 2011-01-13 at 15:04 +0800, Mei Lei wrote:
>> From: Mei Lei <lei.mei at intel.com>
>> This task will check which license text is missing
>Can you flesh out this commit log some please? Why is this task useful?
>When should it be used? Etc.
>Code style comments in line below, thanks!
>> Signed-off-by: Mei Lei <lei.mei at intel.com>
>> ---
>>  meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass |   88
>>  1 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
>> diff --git a/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass b/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass
>> index 905dad7..58a2cf7 100644
>> --- a/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass
>> +++ b/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass
>> @@ -4,18 +4,8 @@ addhandler distro_eventhandler
>>  python distro_eventhandler() {
>>      if bb.event.getName(e) == "BuildStarted":
>> -	"""initialize log files."""
>> -	logpath = bb.data.getVar('LOG_DIR', e.data, 1)
>> -	bb.utils.mkdirhier(logpath)
>> -	logfile = os.path.join(logpath, "distrodata.%s.csv" %
>bb.data.getVar('DATETIME', e.data, 1))
>> -	if not os.path.exists(logfile):
>> -		slogfile = os.path.join(logpath, "distrodata.csv")
>> -		if os.path.exists(slogfile):
>> -			os.remove(slogfile)
>> -		os.system("touch %s" % logfile)
>> -		os.symlink(logfile, slogfile)
>> -		bb.data.setVar('LOG_FILE', logfile, e.data)
>> -
>> +	import oe.distro_check as dc
>> +	logfile = dc.create_log_file(e.data,"distrodata.csv")
>>  	lf = bb.utils.lockfile(logfile + ".lock")
>>  	f = open(logfile, "a")
>	f.write("Package,Description,Owner,License,ChkSum,Status,VerMatch,Versio
>n,Upsteam,Non-Update,Reason,Recipe Status\n")
>> @@ -211,17 +201,8 @@ do_distrodataall() {
>>  addhandler checkpkg_eventhandler
>>  python checkpkg_eventhandler() {
>>      if bb.event.getName(e) == "BuildStarted":
>> -	"""initialize log files."""
>> -	logpath = bb.data.getVar('LOG_DIR', e.data, 1)
>> -	bb.utils.mkdirhier(logpath)
>> -	logfile = os.path.join(logpath, "checkpkg.%s.csv" %
>bb.data.getVar('DATETIME', e.data, 1))
>> -	if not os.path.exists(logfile):
>> -		slogfile = os.path.join(logpath, "checkpkg.csv")
>> -		if os.path.exists(slogfile):
>> -			os.remove(slogfile)
>> -		os.system("touch %s" % logfile)
>> -		os.symlink(logfile, slogfile)
>> -		bb.data.setVar('LOG_FILE', logfile, e.data)
>> +	import oe.distro_check as dc
>> +	logfile = dc.create_log_file(e.data,"checkpkg.csv")
>>  	lf = bb.utils.lockfile(logfile + ".lock")
>>  	f = open(logfile, "a")
>> @@ -662,17 +643,8 @@ python check_eventhandler() {
>>          distro_check_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "distro_check")
>>          datetime = bb.data.getVar('DATETIME', e.data, 1)
>>          """initialize log files."""
>> -        logpath = bb.data.getVar('LOG_DIR', e.data, 1)
>> -        bb.utils.mkdirhier(logpath)
>> -        logfile = os.path.join(logpath, "distrocheck.%s.csv" %
>bb.data.getVar('DATETIME', e.data, 1))
>> -        if not os.path.exists(logfile):
>> -                slogfile = os.path.join(logpath, "distrocheck.csv")
>> -                if os.path.exists(slogfile):
>> -                        os.remove(slogfile)
>> -                os.system("touch %s" % logfile)
>> -                os.symlink(logfile, slogfile)
>> -                bb.data.setVar('LOG_FILE', logfile, e.data)
>> -
>> +        import oe.distro_check as dc
>> +        logfile = dc.create_log_file(e.data,"distrocheck.csv")
>>      return
>>  }
>> @@ -701,3 +673,51 @@ do_distro_checkall[nostamp] = "1"
>>  do_distro_checkall() {
>>  	:
>>  }
>> +##Check Missing License Text
>> +addhandler checklicense_eventhandler
>> +python checklicense_eventhandler() {
>> +    if bb.event.getName(e) == "BuildStarted":
>> +        """initialize log files."""
>> +        import oe.distro_check as dc
>> +        logfile = dc.create_log_file(e.data,"missinglicense.csv")
>Whitespace: logfile = dc.create_log_file(e.data, "missinglicense.csv")
>> +        lf = bb.utils.lockfile(logfile + ".lock")
>Personally I prefer to use string formatting rather for this sort of
>+        lf = bb.utils.lockfile("%s.lock" % logfile)
>> +        f = open(logfile, "a")
>> +        f.write("Package\tLicense\tMissingLicense\n")
>> +        f.close()
>> +        bb.utils.unlockfile(lf)
>> +    return
>> +}
>> +
>> +addtask checklicense
>> +do_checklicense[nostamp] = "1"
>> +python do_checklicense() {
>> +    import os
>> +    import bb
>> +    import shutil
>> +    logpath = bb.data.getVar('LOG_DIR', d, 1)
>> +    bb.utils.mkdirhier(logpath)
>> +    pn = bb.data.getVar('PN',d,1)
>pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, True)
>Please try and maintain whitespace style and use boolean values where
>> +    logfile = os.path.join(logpath, "missinglicense.csv")
>> +    generic_directory = bb.data.getVar('COMMON_LICENSE_DIR', d, True)
>> +    license_types = bb.data.getVar('LICENSE', d, True)
>> +    for license_type in ((license_types.replace('+', '').replace('|', '&')
>> +                          .replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace(';', '')
>> +                          .replace(',', '').replace(" ", "").split("&"))):
>> +        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(generic_directory, license_type)):
>> +            lf = bb.utils.lockfile(logfile + ".lock")
>Maybe use string formatters here too:
>+            lf = bb.utils.lockfile("%s.lock" % logfile)
>> +            f = open(logfile,"a")
>> +            f.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % \
>> +        		(pn,license_types,license_type))
>> +            f.close()
>> +            bb.utils.unlockfile(lf)
>> +    return
>> +}
>> +
>> +addtask checklicenseall after do_checklicense
>> +do_checklicenseall[recrdeptask] = "do_checklicense"
>> +do_checklicenseall[nostamp] = "1"
>> +do_checklicenseall() {
>> +	:
>> +}
>> +
>> +
>Joshua Lock
>        Yocto Build System Monkey
>        Intel Open Source Technology Centre
>poky mailing list
>poky at yoctoproject.org

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