[yocto] Maintenance on older branches, e.g. bernard

Scott Garman scott.a.garman at intel.com
Wed Aug 8 11:39:50 PDT 2012

On 08/08/2012 11:20 AM, Elvis Dowson wrote:
> Hi, I just noticed that if one were to try switching to an older poky
> branch, say bernard, there are a few errors:
> e.g. meta-yocto layer doesn't have a conf folder.
> Also if you use one of the tags, e.g. bernard-5.0, bernard-5.0.1,
> bernard-5.0.2, you can run into build failures.
> I think at the very least, one should be able to build successfully
> off one of the older branches, and perhaps it should be part of the
> regular regression tests?

When you say "build successfully", how do you define that? Building 
core-image-minimal? -sato? -lsb? For which machines? On how many host 

We have a problem of scale here which is why bernard (now three stable 
releases old) is no longer undergoing active maintenance or regression 
testing by the core team.

This is where the community or a partner organization with a financial 
interest in supporting that release for their customers needs to step 
in. As time goes on, we're seeing more commercial adoption our releases 
and I think we'll see more of this for the recent releases (edison and 
denzil in particular, but bernard came out when the Yocto Project was 
still fairly new).



Scott Garman
Embedded Linux Engineer - Yocto Project
Intel Open Source Technology Center

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