[yocto] Yocto Project 1.3 Beta Program

Liu, Song song.liu at intel.com
Wed Aug 15 17:02:10 PDT 2012

Hi all,

We are starting the Beta program for the Yocto Project 1.3 release and looking for Beta users again. Please sign up if you are interested. This release focuses on continued improvement, refreshment and stabilization of the Yocto Project. Please check the following links for what we have in 1.3 release:



This time, besides basic build testing, we would like to ask you to focus on the following features in 1.3 if you are interested:

1.  Adjusted HOB workflow: we changed the workflow for users to build an image with HOB and also fixed a lot of HOB bugs as well. Hopefully you can find the new HOB easier and more intuitive. We would love your feedback.

2.  Bitbake command UI change: this change replaces knotty with knotty-2.

3.  Relocatable SDKs: now the SDKs can be put anywhere instead of the fixed location.

4.  Yocto-bsp tool and its Eclipse plugin. We made more improvement to this wonderful tool in 1.3 and it's definitely more stable.

If you or anyone else in your department or group is interested in this program, please send me the name and email. Anyone who is interested in the Yocto Project and/or has some technical background in embedded Linux area should be just fine. I will send out specific instructions to Beta users signed up in the next couple of weeks.

We have sent T-shirts for 1.2 Beta users who gave us feedback. Due to restrictions on textile shipment to certain countries including Italy, Germany, Brazil and Malaysia, some T-shirts got returned. We apologize for this and are thinking about some alternatives. For 1.3 Beta users, we will send Yocto T-shirts again. Like I said, we will try to figure something out if we cannot send T-shirts.

Thank you!


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