[yocto] [ADT] Autotools: configure using --with-libtool-sysroot

Rudolf Streif rudolf.streif at linux.com
Wed Aug 22 16:22:30 PDT 2012

I tried, according to the documentation at
to configure and compile the autotooled GNU Hello World Applcation for x86
and ARM with

./configure --host=i586-poky-linux



As expected configure does not recognize --with-libtool-sysroot: configure:
WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-libtool-sysroot.

Running the suggested commands:

$ libtoolize --automake
$ aclocal -I ${OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT}/usr/share/aclocal \
        [-I <dir_containing_your_project-specific_m4_macros>]
$ autoconf
$ autoheader
$ automake -a

did not make a difference (same error message). However, compiling the
application worked just fine.


   - What exactly is --with-libtool-sysroot supposed to do?
   - What could be the reason that the steps to update the configure script
   to recognize the option do not work?


   - Add --prefix to ./configure
   --host=armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi --with-libtool-sysroot=<sysrootdir>
   --prefix=<sysrootdir>/<prefix> so that make install actually installs into
   the system root.

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