[yocto] linux-yocto defaulting to 3.4.52 for new qemuarmhf.conf

Elvis Dowson elvis.dowson at gmail.com
Sun Aug 25 07:25:14 PDT 2013

Hi Bruce,

On Aug 25, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfield at windriver.com> wrote:

>> Another quick question, why is it that when I create a new qemuarmhf.conf machine configuration, it doesn't automatically pick up the latest linux-yocto_3.8.bb recipe? Why does it attempt to use the 3.4 recipe?
> Are you working off master ?
> Since you set the compatibility, it should have been picked. But something
> else must be changed in your layers, since if you didn't add
> 3.4 compatibility via bbappends, it never would have been selected
> at all.

Yes, I'm currently working off master. If I add the following qemuarmhf.conf file, and apply the patch to linux-yocto_3.8.bb, it still tries to compile linux-yocto_3.4.bb recipe. You should be able to reproduce this fairly easily at your end, with the current poky master. I'm not using any additional layers, just the core yocto default layers.

Filename: qemuarmhf.conf

#@TYPE: Machine
#@NAME: qemuarmhf
#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for QEMU ARM Cortex A9 hard float.

require conf/machine/include/qemu.inc
require conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa9.inc


SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyAMA0"

Patch for linux-yocto_3.8.bb

diff --git a/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.8.bb b/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.8.bb
index 790e3e3..787affe 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.8.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.8.bb
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ KBRANCH_DEFAULT = "standard/base"
 SRCREV_machine_qemuarm ?= "aa76cc28408376814752bd36fb0dcf0e25aa5ba3"
+SRCREV_machine_qemuarmhf ?= "aa76cc28408376814752bd36fb0dcf0e25aa5ba3"
 SRCREV_machine_qemumips  ?= "aa0affda03c955678b26b2fb586f1d9505127871"
 SRCREV_machine_qemumips64 ?= "077bff22c9951db6b35470ba17b1df2f2a91fefb"
 SRCREV_machine_qemuppc ?= "698eada61d9385b42dd117858b943655b565084b"
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ PV = "${LINUX_VERSION}+git${SRCPV}"
 KMETA = "meta"
-COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "qemuarm|qemux86|qemuppc|qemumips|qemumips64|qemux86-64"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "qemuarm|qemuarmhf|qemux86|qemuppc|qemumips|qemumips64|qemux86-64"
 # Functionality flags
 KERNEL_EXTRA_FEATURES ?= "features/netfilter/netfilter.scc"

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson
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