[yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] linux-raspberrypi-base.bbclass: remove version hack

Andreas Müller schnitzeltony at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 8 02:40:12 PST 2016

* no more required (version > 3.17 | > 4.3.x | > 4.4.5)
* causes error with rt kernel

Signed-off-by: Andreas Müller <schnitzeltony at googlemail.com>
 classes/linux-raspberrypi-base.bbclass | 15 ---------------
 1 file changed, 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/classes/linux-raspberrypi-base.bbclass b/classes/linux-raspberrypi-base.bbclass
index 3a6e33d..dc2330a 100644
--- a/classes/linux-raspberrypi-base.bbclass
+++ b/classes/linux-raspberrypi-base.bbclass
@@ -14,21 +14,6 @@ def get_dts(d, ver=None):
         from the kernel staging '''
         ver = get_kernelversion_file(staging_dir)
-    if ver is not None:
-        min_ver = ver.split('.', 3)
-    else:
-        return dts
-    # Always turn off device tree support for kernel's < 3.18
-    try:
-        if int(min_ver[0]) >= 4:
-            if (int(min_ver[1]) < 4) or (int(min_ver[1]) == 4 and int(min_ver[2]) < 6):
-                dts = ' '.join([(re.sub(r'(.*)\.dtbo$', r'\1-overlay.dtb', x)) for x in dts.split()])
-        elif int(min_ver[1]) < 18:
-            dts = ""
-    except IndexError:
-        min_ver = None
     return dts

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