[yocto] Error during webkit compilation for rasberry pi3

Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez clopez at igalia.com
Wed Dec 21 17:47:09 PST 2016

On 21/12/16 18:50, Mont3z Claros wrote:
> Thanks, Khem. I'll try this.
> I've just asked this because I've got a black screen on my monitor
> when using VC4 driver and when I've check the UART console I see the
> error:
> vc4-drm soc:gpu: failed to bind 3f902000.hdmi (ops vc4_hdmi_ops): -517
> vc4-drm soc:gpu: master bind failed: -517
> vc4-drm soc:gpu: failed to bind 3f902000.hdmi (ops vc4_hdmi_ops): -517
> vc4-drm soc:gpu: master bind failed: -517
> So, I'll try building it without opencl.
> Montez.

For the RPI3 there are two options for the graphics drivers:

 1) The default ones (propietary from broadcom). To get WebKit working
with that ones you have to disable OpenGL support in WebKit. This can be
achieved by not passing the corresponding PACKAGECONFIG option. For
example, using last master of poky/oe-core or meta-webkit you can set
this in local.conf:

  PACKAGECONFIG_pn-webkitgtk = "x11 webgl"

Check the webkit recipe to see if there is an opengl PACKAGECONFIG
option. Otherwise you can pass the flag manually -DENABLE_OPENGL=OFF to

Alternatively, if you already built it, you can disable OpenGL at
runtime also by executing on the terminal:
before starting the browser from the terminal itself.

 2) With the new VC4 drivers it should work with OpenGL support.
I friend of mine tried it on the RPI3 with Wayland (core-image-weston)
and it worked as expected. Not sure about X11 (core-image-sato).

But you seem to have trouble starting the GUI with this VC4 drivers.
Maybe it helps if you use the master branch of meta-raspberry as this
VC4 drivers are relatively bleeding edge.

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