[yocto] exception using rpm 4.11.2

Alexandre Freire da Silva Osorio alexandre.osorio at eldorado.org.br
Thu Mar 3 05:28:08 PST 2016


When trying to install a rpm inside a qemux86-64 machine (core-image-lsb), I got this error:

root at qemux86-64:~# rpm -ivh apacheds-2.0.0-M20-x86_64.rpm
warning: apacheds-2.0.0-M20-x86_64.rpm: Header V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 99aede43: NOKEY
traps: rpm[1059] trap divide error ip:7fa07488caae sp:7fff5f7c6af0 error:0 in librpm.so.3.2.1[7fa074871000+5d000]
Floating point exception

root at qemux86-64:~# rpm --version
RPM version 4.11.2

The rpm recipe used is the Jethro one.

This error doesn't happen if I choose rpm 5.4 (from rpm5.org).

Please any help on this?

Thanks in advance.


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