[yocto] Qt WebEngine Recipe do_install_append()

Charles Chau charles.chau at habeyusa.com
Mon Mar 21 16:38:04 PDT 2016


I found these lines in the Qt WebEngine 5.5 and 5.6 Recipe

/do_install_append() {//
//        rmdir ${D}${OE_QMAKE_PATH_PLUGINS}/${BPN} 
${D}${OE_QMAKE_PATH_PLUGINS} || true//
//        sed -i 's@ -Wl,--start-group.*-Wl,--end-group@@g; s at -L${B}[^ 
]* @ @g' ${D}${libdir}/pkgconfig/Qt5WebEngineCore.pc//
//    }//
Version 5.5 compile without problem.  However, to make Qt Web Engine 
compile for 5.6, I needed to delete these lines.  But, 
qtwebengine-qmlplugins, qtwebengine-plugins, and qtwebengine-examples 
are all gone from the build (from 5.6). These lines return error in 
which the system cannot access those directories.

Could someone explain what do they mean? especially the `sed` one. What 
happened to the Qtwebengine plugins, qmlplugins and examples in Qt 
WebEngine 5.6?

Thank you,

Charles Chau

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