[yocto] how to install a kernel module

Esponde, Joel Joel.Esponde at Honeywell.com
Fri May 13 02:15:11 PDT 2016


FYI, image recipes are in recipes-core/images folders.
So if you created your own image recipe, my previous mail should answer your need.

Otherwise, I don't know if you could just add this line to your local.conf file...

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " ledmodule"

The best way to know that your IMAGE_INSTALL variable is correctly set is to call this bitbake command:

$ bitbake <image> -e

Bitbake will output all the build environment variables and functions related to your image recipe.
So you will be able to check with this command that IMAGE_INSTALL has effectively your module name added to the list.

bitbake -e is a very important command when working with Yocto.


Joël Esponde
Honeywell | Sensing and Productivity Solutions

De : yocto-bounces at yoctoproject.org [mailto:yocto-bounces at yoctoproject.org] De la part de S.Jaritz at esa-grimma.de
Envoyé : jeudi 12 mai 2016 16:32
À : yocto at yoctoproject.org
Objet : [yocto] how to install a kernel module


I created a recipe for a own modul. It's similar to the example given at:


I checked the bitbake process. A "kernel-module-<module name>" package is created and filled with the ko-file.

Actually I am failing to bring the module into my image and run it. Are there a special command for the "local.conf" or so?

How and where to include the module?


Stefan Jaritz

ESA Elektroschaltanlagen Grimma GmbH
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