[yocto] Newbie Question regarding custom layer and populate_rootfs

Stephan Roslen stephan.roslen at hibento.de
Thu May 19 22:25:00 PDT 2016

On Fr, 2016-05-20 at 08:44 +0200, public-hk at iks.rwth-aachen.de wrote:
> Hi all,
Hi Hauke,

nice to meet somebody familiar here. :)

> So here are the questions:
> 1) Why my version of the psplash executable - even though it was built -
> is not installed in the root fs?

Did you manually build your splash recipe (bitbake psplash-myproject)?
This does not include it in an image yet. It must be added to image
features either manually or through a dependency. 
The psplash-raspberry package seems to be included in the dependencies
https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/meta-raspberrypi/tree/conf/machine/include/rpi-base.inc#n51 - maybe there is a chance to override this in your local.conf
The cleanest way might be to include this in an own machine definition
and override it afterwards.

> 2) I have been able to review the logs from build steps and almost
> everything related to the package creation in tmp/work subfolder of my
> build project. But how can I see which packages are installed during the
> populate_rootfs step? There seems to be no dedicated log file.

There is a rather complex conglomerate of piped commands here, which
does this: https://community.freescale.com/docs/DOC-94953 


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