[yocto] Adding a -test sub-recipe

Colin Helliwell colin.helliwell at ln-systems.com
Tue May 31 23:01:36 PDT 2016

[Apologies if this appears twice - unsure if my first send worked]


I have a recipe which builds its libs/apps fine, and is installed into my
rootfs; now I'm trying to add an additional 'test' subsection to the recipe
in order to build and install some test apps.

I've added a do_compile_append-test() and do_install_append-test() for the
additional test components, and the recipe builds these ok. But I'm
struggling to get these added to the rootfs image.

I've listed the additional files in a  FILES_${PN}-test=   , and added a
PACKAGES += "FILES_${PN}-test"  , and added  IMAGE_INSTALL +=
"myrecipe-test"   to the image recipe.   However the do_rootfs() fails with 

"Unable to locate package myrecipe-test"

I added 

  RPROVIDES_${PN} += "myrecipe-test"

which 'resolves' the error, but the additional files aren't appearing in the


What am I missing or getting wrong.?

The components are being put into the rootfs if I do the additions without
the '-test' suffix (i.e. just adding them to the base recipe), but I'd like
to have it as a separately-selectable option in the image recipe(s).




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