[yocto] FW: cmake version 3.0.0 or greater
Dinh Nguyen (dinhn)
dinhn at cisco.com
Tue Nov 8 04:23:14 PST 2016
Thanks Ross,
Here is the error message when trying to build sdk-dslink-c within Yocto Dizzy version.
| + echo /media/raghuram/data/dinhn/ioxDevLatest/ioxsdk/yp64/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/sdk-dslink-c/1.1-r0
| + /media/raghuram/data/dinhn/ioxDevLatest/ioxsdk/yp64/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/sdk-dslink-c/1.1-r0/sdk-dslink-c-939fb15c97688276b1234a0e0092e61fdbe65c03/tools/build.sh
| CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
| CMake 3.0.0 or higher is required. You are running version
| -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
| See also "/media/raghuram/data/dinhn/ioxDevLatest/ioxsdk/yp64/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/sdk-dslink-c/1.1-r0/sdk-dslink-c-939fb15c97688276b1234a0e0092e61fdbe65c03/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
| See also "/media/raghuram/data/dinhn/ioxDevLatest/ioxsdk/yp64/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/sdk-dslink-c/1.1-r0/sdk-dslink-c-939fb15c97688276b1234a0e0092e61fdbe65c03/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
| + bb_exit_handler
Here is part of the CMakeList.txt for sdk-dslink-c that required the minimum version:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0 FATAL_ERROR)
project(sdk_dslink_c C)
option(USE_CCACHE "Enable CCache Support" ON)
option(DSLINK_BUILD_BROKER "Whether to build the broker" OFF)
option(DSLINK_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Whether to build the examples" OFF)
option(DSLINK_TEST "Whether to enable tests" OFF)
option(TOOLCHAIN_DYNAMIC_LINK_ENABLE "Enable Dynamic Linking for Toolchain" ON)
##### Configure CMake Modules #####
ensure_out_of_source_build("Please do not build the C SDK inside the source directory.")
##### Check Configuration #####
message(WARNING "C SDK Unit Tests are currently not supported under Ninja.")
From: "Burton, Ross" <ross.burton at intel.com<mailto:ross.burton at intel.com>>
Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 2:00 AM
To: dinhn <dinhn at cisco.com<mailto:dinhn at cisco.com>>
Cc: "yocto at yoctoproject.org<mailto:yocto at yoctoproject.org>" <yocto at yoctoproject.org<mailto:yocto at yoctoproject.org>>
Subject: Re: [yocto] FW: cmake version 3.0.0 or greater
On 8 November 2016 at 04:52, Dinh Nguyen (dinhn) <dinhn at cisco.com<mailto:dinhn at cisco.com>> wrote:
Our SDK has the Yocto Project 1.7 Dizzy version and it supports cmake 2.8.12 version as show below:
We need to pulling the cmake 3.x.x version for our sdk-dslink-c recipe build.
I found git://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core<http://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core> has version 3.6.x
So I tried to pull it in. But this version got a trace back when integrated to our SDK Yocto Dizzy.
Can you advise which open embedded-core version/git location to pull in to SDK Dizzy version for cmake 3.x.x version
There is no official dizzy recipe for cmake 3. If you share what the error is, then we may be able to help backporting the recipe to dizzy.
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