[yocto] [raspberrypi] raspi3 vs raspi2

Trevor Woerner twoerner at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 15:07:26 PST 2016

On Sun 2016-11-20 @ 11:28:48 AM, Khem Raj wrote:
> I gave a whirl at building and looking closely at them. As it seems
> the OE core patch is
> not needed since for armv8 we want to keep it like x86 ( common )
> I have therefore made changes to your patches and staged them here.
> https://github.com/kraj/meta-raspberrypi/commits/kraj/master
> Which should work without any change in OE-Core, secondly I have
> further divided them
> and also fixed 4.8 to compile arm64.

I tried giving this a whirl.

Maybe the order of my layers in bblayers isn't correct, but by default my
build uses 4.4% instead of 4.8%.

conf/machine/raspberrypi3-64.conf includes:
	include conf/machine/include/rpi-base.inc
	PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-raspberrypi ?= "4.8.%"

conf/machine/include/rpi-base.inc contains:
	include conf/machine/include/rpi-default-versions.inc

conf/machine/include/rpi-default-versions.inc contains:
	PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-raspberrypi ?= "4.4.%"

In any case when I try building with 4.4 I get:

	ERROR: linux-raspberrypi-1_4.4.28+gitAUTOINC+5afda48c34-r0 do_kernel_configme: No default configuration for raspberrypi3-64 / bcmrpi3_defconfig available.
	ERROR: linux-raspberrypi-1_4.4.28+gitAUTOINC+5afda48c34-r0 do_kernel_configme: Function failed: do_kernel_configme (log file is located at /z/layerindex-master/raspi3-64/tmp-glibc/work/raspberrypi3_64-oe-linux/linux-raspberrypi/1_4.4.28+gitAUTOINC+5afda48c34-r0/temp/log.do_kernel_configme.15498)

When I switch to 4.8 explicitly in my conf/local.conf I get:

	ERROR: linux-raspberrypi-1_4.8.8+gitAUTOINC+ea6eeaff07-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision ea6eeaff07c4881e6287fe3e7ea58fc30e5569d7 in branch rpi-4.8.y even from upstream
	ERROR: linux-raspberrypi-1_4.8.8+gitAUTOINC+ea6eeaff07-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure for URL: 'git://github.com/raspberrypi/linux.git;protocol=git;branch=rpi-4.8.y'. Unable to fetch URL from any source.

My build configuration is:
	Build Configuration:
	BB_VERSION        = "1.32.0"
	BUILD_SYS         = "x86_64-linux"
	NATIVELSBSTRING   = "opensuse-42.1"
	TARGET_SYS        = "aarch64-oe-linux"
	MACHINE           = "raspberrypi3-64"
	DISTRO            = "nodistro"
	DISTRO_VERSION    = "nodistro.0"
	TUNE_FEATURES     = "aarch64"
	TARGET_FPU        = ""
	meta-raspberrypi__kraj = "kraj/master:4735e7cde210b2b0b855bca1eb90ef4adca8019b"
	meta              = "master:a675b2c89e477af088faee9b3be96eae19a85f0b"
	meta-gnome        = "master:7f8915a6ecdd5c4b03c7e5b5f1fa903f89c2d560"

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