[yocto] genericx86 vs qemux86

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Fri Feb 3 15:20:27 PST 2017

On 3 February 2017 at 23:16, Takashi Matsuzawa <tmatsuzawa at xevo.com> wrote:

> Sorry, I am still a bit confused with genericx86 and qemux86 targets.
> What is their difference and which one to choose.
> Both are x86 target and maybe genericx86 has more support for PC hardware?
>  qemux86 has v86d?
> genericx86 is from poky and qemux86 is from openembeded?

qemux86 is specifically for use in qemu, so it targets a CPU that qemu is
good at executing and has the virtualised hardware drivers in.  genericx86
is an attempt at a "all purpose" x86 machine that runs most places

My recommendation would be to use qemux86 (-64) for virtual environments
and a machine from meta-intel (intel-corei7-64 or intel-core2-32) for real
hardware.  The genericx86 machine, being part of poky, is basically for QA
purposes and if you are targetting Intel hardware then the Intel BSPs are

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