[yocto] [bitbake] Custom LIC_FILES_CHKSUM location

Karim ATIKI karim_atiki at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 9 08:40:12 PST 2017

I need to integrate a custom licence file in the recipes we're creating.

Basically, the layer strcutureis:


     + recipes-connectivity /

         + bootscripts /

                 + bootscript_0-1.bb

     + recipes-qt



In bootscript_0-1.bb:

I've added:

LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.PGA;md5=149a23532762ef4f5c3a1ad0d021249c"

But of course, it does not find the file.

What variable should I use so that the file points to valid location ?

Best Regards,


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