[yocto] rdepends = "python3-modules" in recipe does not install python3-modules in image
Matt Schepers
mschepers at telspandata.com
Fri Jan 5 08:41:40 PST 2018
I have a .bb file for a setuptools based python program I am installing to my image. The python program needs a large subset of what's available in the python standard library and therefore I need to install "python3-modules" in my image to get the python interpreter to work.
This is my recipe:
SECTION = "telspan"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=17a6b3d5436a55985b200c725761907a"
SRC_URI = "file://iguFpga-${PV}.tar.gz"
#SRC_URI[md5sum] = "f004f429cf22feff845e18b0addc05d6"
inherit setuptools3
#still necessary to put python3-modules in IMAGE_INSTALL ? is this a bug?
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "python3-modules python3-setuptools python3-setuptools-native"
DEPENDS_${PN} += "python3-modules python3-setuptools python3-setuptools-native"
This does not install "python3-modules" to the image. When this builds, my python program does not work because of missing dependencies on the standard library.
To get this to work I have to go in and append "python3-modules" to IMAGE_INSTALL in my top level image recipe.
I thought that the purpose RDEPENDS was to install the correct runtime dependencies to the image? Why doesn't this work?
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