[yocto] [Yocto] clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize clutter: Unable to Initialize the clutter backend: no available drivers found.
Anuj Mittal
anuj.mittal at intel.com
Mon Jan 29 20:06:43 PST 2018
On 01/29/2018 09:47 PM, kishorepasupula wrote:
> Hi,
> As per my understanding I’m not using any proprietary drivers. And
> Graphic recipies being used are from meta layer itself.
> Here is my complete setup.
> 1) Created a custom layer (4.9.73) for Beaglebone Black instead of
> using yocto-kernel(This is the only custom layer I have created rest are
> standard I.e meta, meta-poky, meta-yocto-bsp)
> -Here is the recipie for custom kernel( https://pastebin.com/w4GXbY6w )
> -local.conf file ( https://pastebin.com/fp2XaxFE )
> -I have Interfaced LCD display(4D 4.3” LCD cape) to my Beaglebone Black.
> -Here is the defconfig file :(Attached to Email)
> -Enabled following fields in menuconfig:
> Device Driver→Graphics support
> ->Direct Rendering
> →DRM Support for TI LCDC Display Controller
> →Support device tree blobs using TI LCDC Slave binding
> -Machinefile( https://pastebin.com/T4YesHx3 )
You're probably not using the correct user space DRI driver and/or xorg
configuration. Maybe check out meta-ti layer to see if that works ...
> 2) Though build was successful. After porting “Snappy” application when
> I tried to run “snappy” application on target I.e BeagleBone Blak, we
> are getting error response as addressed in previous mail.
> 3)Boot log of BeagleBone black( https://pastebin.com/26FaeBvw )
> Please let me know if you need any further information from my end.
> Regards,
> kk.
> On 01/29/2018 02:48 PM, Anuj Mittal wrote:
>> On 01/29/2018 01:05 PM, kishorepasupula wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My main objective is to run snappy player
>>> (https://wiki.gnome.org/Snappy) on target machine (BeagleBone Black) so,
>>> I wrote a recipe for Snappy player(snappy_1.0.bb) as below
>>> LICENSE = "GPLv2"
>>> LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=686e6cb566fd6382c9fcc7a557bf4544"
>>> SRCREV = "e73fabce4c397b40d490c74f6a6a0de000804f42"
>>> SRC_URI = "git://git.gnome.org/snappy"
>>> S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
>>> RDEPENDS_${PN} = "gtk+3 gstreamer1.0 glib-2.0 clutter-1.0
>>> gstreamer1.0-plugins-base libxtst clutter-gst-3.0 clutter-gtk-1.0 libx11
>>> cairo gdk-pixbuf"
>>> # inherit line
>>> inherit pkgconfig autotools
>>> FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/*"
>>> Added this recipe name in local.conf
>>> IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " snappy"
>>> The build (bitbake core-image-sato) was successful, when I ran "snappy"
>>> on target(BeagleBone Black) I am getting below error response.
>>> sh-4.4# snappy
>>> libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
>>> libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
>>> libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
>>> (snappy:763): clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize clutter: Unable
>>> to Initialize the clutter backend: no available drivers found.
>>> As per my Understanding in my recipe I have resolved all dependencies
>>> for Snappy player (such as clutter, gstreamer, gtk etc.). I'm unable to
>>> figure out why snappy player is throwing error? Can any one guide me on
>>> this?
>>> PS: Also tried adding PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl ?= "mesa" in
>>> local.conf but still I'm getting the same error response.
>> Are you using proprietary drivers? If libegl is coming from mesa, it
>> will probably not work with proprietary drivers. Can you provide more
>> details about your setup? Which layer(s) are you using etc. and where
>> are the graphics recipes/drivers coming from?
>> Thanks,
>> Anuj
>>> Regards,
>>> Kk.
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