[yocto] [sumo] systemd install problem when polkit enabled

Belisko Marek marek.belisko at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 06:10:29 PDT 2018


I'm building core image (with added systemd) for x86 but I hit an
issue when installing systemd
that it fails chown polkitd:root (looks like there was discussion
about this issue here:
https://patchwork.openembedded.org/patch/142904/ but no real
explanation why it sometimes fails). Any ideas what to check? Using
poky sumo. Thanks.



as simple and primitive as possible
Marek Belisko - OPEN-NANDRA
Freelance Developer

Ruska Nova Ves 219 | Presov, 08005 Slovak Republic
Tel: +421 915 052 184
skype: marekwhite
twitter: #opennandra
web: http://open-nandra.com

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