Russell Peterson bluehills7 at comcast.net
Sun Sep 16 03:52:52 PDT 2018


I’m trying to understand what the “normal” package arch should be when using yocto to build for a specific SoC.
In my local.conf file I set my MACHINE value to “xSoc”.  Because of that I see RPM files being generated with arch “xSoC” (as well as “aarch64”).
I forgot to mention in my machine/xSoC.conf file I include the aarch64 tune file (Rocko).  To me, I can’t quite understand what a rpm arch of xSoC is since the cores on this SoC are simply Arm A72 cores and I thought RPM arch meant micro-arch, no?  If I override PACKAGE_ARCH_xSoC = “aarch64” that sort of works but then all I see aarch64 rpm files (no allarch/noarch).  I also see some errors with PACKAGE_ARCH being set before inherit package group when I try override.

What’s the expected behavior here?  Everything seems to work except I get a few warning messages regarding staging files for kernel-devsrc when I build the eSDK.



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