1 Identify the component

The Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded ecosystem is built of layers so the first step is to identify the component where the issue likely lies. For example, if you have a hardware issue, it is likely related to the BSP you are using and the best place to seek advice would be from the BSP provider or layer. If the issue is a build/configuration one and a distro is in use, they would likely be the first place to ask questions. If the issue is a generic one and/or in the core classes or metadata, the core layer or BitBake might be the appropriate component.

Each metadata layer being used should contain a README file and that should explain where to report issues, where to send changes and how to contact the maintainers.

If the issue is in the core metadata layer (OpenEmbedded-Core) or in BitBake, issues can be reported in the Yocto Project Bugzilla. The yocto mailing list is a general “catch-all” location where questions can be sent if you can’t work out where something should go.

Poky is a commonly used “combination” repository where multiple components have been combined (bitbake, openembedded-core, meta-yocto and yocto-docs). Patches should be submitted against the appropriate individual component rather than Poky itself as detailed in the appropriate README file.