2 Using the Extensible SDK

This chapter describes the extensible SDK and how to install it. Information covers the pieces of the SDK, how to install it, and presents a look at using the devtool functionality. The extensible SDK makes it easy to add new applications and libraries to an image, modify the source for an existing component, test changes on the target hardware, and ease integration into the rest of the OpenEmbedded Build System.


For a side-by-side comparison of main features supported for an extensible SDK as compared to a standard SDK, see the Introduction section.

In addition to the functionality available through devtool, you can alternatively make use of the toolchain directly, for example from Makefile and Autotools. See the “Using the SDK Toolchain Directly” chapter for more information.

2.1 Why use the Extensible SDK and What is in It?

The extensible SDK provides a cross-development toolchain and libraries tailored to the contents of a specific image. You would use the Extensible SDK if you want a toolchain experience supplemented with the powerful set of devtool commands tailored for the Yocto Project environment.

The installed extensible SDK consists of several files and directories. Basically, it contains an SDK environment setup script, some configuration files, an internal build system, and the devtool functionality.

2.2 Installing the Extensible SDK

2.2.1 Two ways to install the Extensible SDK

Extensible SDK can be installed in two different ways, and both have their own pros and cons:

  1. Setting up the Extensible SDK environment directly in a Yocto build. This avoids having to produce, test, distribute and maintain separate SDK installer archives, which can get very large. There is only one environment for the regular Yocto build and the SDK and less code paths where things can go not according to plan. It’s easier to update the SDK: it simply means updating the Yocto layers with git fetch or layer management tooling. The SDK extensibility is better than in the second option: just run bitbake again to add more things to the sysroot, or add layers if even more things are required.

  2. Setting up the Extensible SDK from a standalone installer. This has the benefit of having a single, self-contained archive that includes all the needed binary artifacts. So nothing needs to be rebuilt, and there is no need to provide a well-functioning binary artefact cache over the network for developers with underpowered laptops.

2.2.2 Setting up the Extensible SDK environment directly in a Yocto build

  1. Set up all the needed layers and a Yocto Build Directory, e.g. a regular Yocto build where bitbake can be executed.

  2. Run:

    $ bitbake meta-ide-support
    $ bitbake -c populate_sysroot gtk+3
    # or any other target or native item that the application developer would need
    $ bitbake build-sysroots -c build_native_sysroot && bitbake build-sysroots -c build_target_sysroot

2.2.3 Setting up the Extensible SDK from a standalone installer

The first thing you need to do is install the SDK on your Build Host by running the *.sh installation script.

You can download a tarball installer, which includes the pre-built toolchain, the runqemu script, the internal build system, devtool, and support files from the appropriate toolchain directory within the Index of Releases. Toolchains are available for several 32-bit and 64-bit architectures with the x86_64 directories, respectively. The toolchains the Yocto Project provides are based off the core-image-sato and core-image-minimal images and contain libraries appropriate for developing against that image.

The names of the tarball installer scripts are such that a string representing the host system appears first in the filename and then is immediately followed by a string representing the target architecture. An extensible SDK has the string “-ext” as part of the name. Following is the general form:


    host_system is a string representing your development system:

               i686 or x86_64.

    image_type is the image for which the SDK was built:

               core-image-sato or core-image-minimal

    arch is a string representing the tuned target architecture:

               aarch64, armv5e, core2-64, i586, mips32r2, mips64, ppc7400, or cortexa8hf-neon

    release_version is a string representing the release number of the Yocto Project:

               5.2.999, 5.2.999+snapshot

For example, the following SDK installer is for a 64-bit development host system and a i586-tuned target architecture based off the SDK for core-image-sato and using the current 5.2.999 snapshot:



As an alternative to downloading an SDK, you can build the SDK installer. For information on building the installer, see the Building an SDK Installer section.

The SDK and toolchains are self-contained and by default are installed into the poky_sdk folder in your home directory. You can choose to install the extensible SDK in any location when you run the installer. However, because files need to be written under that directory during the normal course of operation, the location you choose for installation must be writable for whichever users need to use the SDK.

The following command shows how to run the installer given a toolchain tarball for a 64-bit x86 development host system and a 64-bit x86 target architecture. The example assumes the SDK installer is located in ~/Downloads/ and has execution rights:

$ ./Downloads/poky-glibc-x86_64-core-image-minimal-core2-64-toolchain-ext-2.5.sh
Poky (Yocto Project Reference Distro) Extensible SDK installer version 2.5
Enter target directory for SDK (default: poky_sdk):
You are about to install the SDK to "/home/scottrif/poky_sdk". Proceed [Y/n]? Y
Extracting SDK..............done
Setting it up...
Extracting buildtools...
Preparing build system...
Parsing recipes: 100% |##################################################################| Time: 0:00:52
Initialising tasks: 100% |###############################################################| Time: 0:00:00
Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:00:00
Loading cache: 100% |####################################################################| Time: 0:00:00
Initialising tasks: 100% |###############################################################| Time: 0:00:00
SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.
Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g.
 $ . /home/scottrif/poky_sdk/environment-setup-core2-64-poky-linux


If you do not have write permissions for the directory into which you are installing the SDK, the installer notifies you and exits. For that case, set up the proper permissions in the directory and run the installer again.

2.3 Running the Extensible SDK Environment Setup Script

Once you have the SDK installed, you must run the SDK environment setup script before you can actually use the SDK.

When using an SDK directly in a Yocto build, you will find the script in tmp/deploy/images/qemux86-64/ in your Build Directory.

When using a standalone SDK installer, this setup script resides in the directory you chose when you installed the SDK, which is either the default poky_sdk directory or the directory you chose during installation.

Before running the script, be sure it is the one that matches the architecture for which you are developing. Environment setup scripts begin with the string “environment-setup” and include as part of their name the tuned target architecture. As an example, the following commands set the working directory to where the SDK was installed and then source the environment setup script. In this example, the setup script is for an IA-based target machine using i586 tuning:

$ cd /home/scottrif/poky_sdk
$ source environment-setup-core2-64-poky-linux
SDK environment now set up; additionally you may now run devtool to perform development tasks.
Run devtool --help for further details.

When using the environment script directly in a Yocto build, it can be run similarly:

$ source tmp/deploy/images/qemux86-64/environment-setup-core2-64-poky-linux

Running the setup script defines many environment variables needed in order to use the SDK (e.g. PATH, CC, LD, and so forth). If you want to see all the environment variables the script exports, examine the installation file itself.

2.4 Using devtool in Your SDK Workflow

The cornerstone of the extensible SDK is a command-line tool called devtool. This tool provides a number of features that help you build, test and package software within the extensible SDK, and optionally integrate it into an image built by the OpenEmbedded build system.


The use of devtool is not limited to the extensible SDK. You can use devtool to help you easily develop any project whose build output must be part of an image built using the build system.

The devtool command line is organized similarly to Git in that it has a number of sub-commands for each function. You can run devtool --help to see all the commands.


See the “devtool Quick Reference” section in the Yocto Project Reference Manual.

devtool subcommands provide entry-points into development:

  • devtool add: Assists in adding new software to be built.

  • devtool modify: Sets up an environment to enable you to modify the source of an existing component.

  • devtool ide-sdk: Generates a configuration for an IDE.

  • devtool upgrade: Updates an existing recipe so that you can build it for an updated set of source files.

As with the build system, “recipes” represent software packages within devtool. When you use devtool add, a recipe is automatically created. When you use devtool modify, the specified existing recipe is used in order to determine where to get the source code and how to patch it. In both cases, an environment is set up so that when you build the recipe a source tree that is under your control is used in order to allow you to make changes to the source as desired. By default, new recipes and the source go into a “workspace” directory under the SDK.

To learn how to use devtool to add, modify, upgrade recipes and more, see the Using the devtool command-line tool section of the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.

2.5 Installing Additional Items Into the Extensible SDK

Out of the box the extensible SDK typically only comes with a small number of tools and libraries. A minimal SDK starts mostly empty and is populated on-demand. Sometimes you must explicitly install extra items into the SDK. If you need these extra items, you can first search for the items using the devtool search command. For example, suppose you need to link to libGL but you are not sure which recipe provides libGL. You can use the following command to find out:

$ devtool search libGL mesa
A free implementation of the OpenGL API

Once you know the recipe (i.e. mesa in this example), you can install it.

2.5.1 When using the extensible SDK directly in a Yocto build

In this scenario, the Yocto build tooling, e.g. bitbake is directly accessible to build additional items, and it can simply be executed directly:

$ bitbake curl-native
# Add newly built native items to native sysroot
$ bitbake build-sysroots -c build_native_sysroot
$ bitbake mesa
# Add newly built target items to target sysroot
$ bitbake build-sysroots -c build_target_sysroot

2.5.2 When using a standalone installer for the Extensible SDK

$ devtool sdk-install mesa

By default, the devtool sdk-install command assumes the item is available in pre-built form from your SDK provider. If the item is not available and it is acceptable to build the item from source, you can add the “-s” option as follows:

$ devtool sdk-install -s mesa

It is important to remember that building the item from source takes significantly longer than installing the pre-built artifact. Also, if there is no recipe for the item you want to add to the SDK, you must instead add the item using the devtool add command.

2.6 Applying Updates to an Installed Extensible SDK

If you are working with an installed extensible SDK that gets occasionally updated (e.g. a third-party SDK), then you will need to manually “pull down” the updates into the installed SDK.

To update your installed SDK, use devtool as follows:

$ devtool sdk-update

The previous command assumes your SDK provider has set the default update URL for you through the SDK_UPDATE_URL variable as described in the “Providing Updates to the Extensible SDK After Installation” section. If the SDK provider has not set that default URL, you need to specify it yourself in the command as follows:

$ devtool sdk-update path_to_update_directory


The URL needs to point specifically to a published SDK and not to an SDK installer that you would download and install.

2.7 Creating a Derivative SDK With Additional Components

You might need to produce an SDK that contains your own custom libraries. A good example would be if you were a vendor with customers that use your SDK to build their own platform-specific software and those customers need an SDK that has custom libraries. In such a case, you can produce a derivative SDK based on the currently installed SDK fairly easily by following these steps:

  1. If necessary, install an extensible SDK that you want to use as a base for your derivative SDK.

  2. Source the environment script for the SDK.

  3. Add the extra libraries or other components you want by using the devtool add command.

  4. Run the devtool build-sdk command.

The previous steps take the recipes added to the workspace and construct a new SDK installer that contains those recipes and the resulting binary artifacts. The recipes go into their own separate layer in the constructed derivative SDK, which leaves the workspace clean and ready for users to add their own recipes.