[yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2

Chris Trobridge christrobridge at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 6 08:45:04 PDT 2016

> From: ross.burton at intel.com
> Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2016 12:22:39 +0100
> Subject: Re: [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
> To: christrobridge at hotmail.com
> CC: yocto at yoctoproject.org
> On 6 April 2016 at 12:19, Chris Trobridge
> <christrobridge at hotmail.com<mailto:christrobridge at hotmail.com>> wrote:
> This did the trick for python 2.7, and "from gi.repository import
> GObject" works too.
> Can you send a patch to add this dependency to the pygobject package?
> Ross

I will try to sort that out tomorrow (poky at yoctoproject.org, right?).

Regarding python3, whenever I change the "--with-python" option to something other than "python2.7" then I get an error.

If I specify python3.5 then the error is that the build cannot find python3.5.  If I set it to python3.4 (which is installed on the host) then I get an error about system directory poisoning.

This suggests to me that the recipe seems to need both host and target python for this to work.  It worked before so I will look tomorrow at the experimental branch and see what's different, if anything.  I've deleted that branch here and it is gone from git.



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