April 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Apr 1 02:34:52 PDT 2016
Ending: Sat Apr 30 05:09:24 PDT 2016
Messages: 552
- [yocto] Append to bblayers.conf and local.conf
Olsson Rikard (RBSN/ESW1)
- [yocto] Append to bblayers.conf and local.conf
Olsson Rikard (RBSN/ESW1)
- [yocto] Adding kernel module to rootfs without changing machine's configuration
Yigal Reiss (yreiss)
- [yocto] Adding Utilities to /proc
Bruce Ashfield
- [yocto] module do_configure depends on kernel .config and headers
Bruce Ashfield
- [yocto] Adding kernel module to rootfs without changing machine's configuration
Bruce Ashfield
- [yocto] module do_configure depends on kernel .config and headers
Bruce Ashfield
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Bruce Ashfield
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Bruce Ashfield
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Bruce Ashfield
- [yocto] Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 2134d97aa3a7ce38bb51f933f2e20cafde371085 in branch master even from upstream
Bruce Ashfield
- [yocto] Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 2134d97aa3a7ce38bb51f933f2e20cafde371085 in branch master even from upstream
Bruce Ashfield
- [yocto] Error including PHP
Hans-Georg Bader
- [yocto] [oe] [OE-core] OEDAM, April 8 in San Diego after ELC
Philip Balister
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 3/3] README: add "Contributing" guideline
Philip Balister
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] Change serial console for Raspberry Pi 3
Martin Bergek
- [yocto] [oe] Problem building apache2 with php5
Martin Bergek
- [yocto] Customize login prompt text in Yocto
Peter Bergin
- [yocto] [meta-mono][PATCH 1/2] mono-4xx: Add zlib to DEPENDS
Fabio Berton
- [yocto] [meta-mono][PATCH 2/2] mono: Add libikvm-native to FILES_${PN}-libs
Fabio Berton
- [yocto] out of tree kernel modules using autotools
Matt Broadstone
- [yocto] out of tree kernel modules using autotools
Matt Broadstone
- [yocto] cmake recipe find_file failure
Matt Broadstone
- [yocto] cmake recipe find_file failure
Matt Broadstone
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Sharing Sstate cache among different platform architectures
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [meta-poky][PATCH] poky-tiny: Switch to using kernel 4.4 and busybox for init
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Error including PHP
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Prescribed way to make global variables in recipes?
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Prescribed way to make global variables in recipes?
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [matchbox-wm][PATCH 2/2] keys: Grab all modifier combos
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 3/3] README: add "Contributing" guideline
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 5/5] psplash: fix remaining unused-parameter warnings
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] bitbake -c clean for all recipes
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] remove Yocto systemd features
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] bugzilla.yoctoproject.org policy for bugs against multiple releases
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [OE-core] bugzilla.yoctoproject.org policy for bugs against multiple releases
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [OE-core] bugzilla.yoctoproject.org policy for bugs against multiple releases
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [OE-core] Yocto Project Status WW17
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [OE-core] Yocto Project Status WW17
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [Yocto] Enable a recipe/package only when other dependent recipe/package is part of image.
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 2134d97aa3a7ce38bb51f933f2e20cafde371085 in branch master even from upstream
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] problems with cmake finding the c++ includes
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] aarch64-oe-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc . Adding native build support for arm64/aarch64 in oe-rootfs.
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Build Errors with new recipe for pjproject (autotools/pkgconfig)
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Strange dependency
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] eudev hwdb?
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] eudev hwdb?
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Build Errors with new recipe for pjproject (autotools/pkgconfig)
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Manipulating code and Building in offline environment
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Antwort: Re: how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Antwort: Re: how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Antwort: Re: how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] Antwort: Re: how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [xsettings-daemon][PATCH 2/2] Use gdk-x11-3.0 instead of 2.0
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [matchbox-terminal][PATCH 1/1] Upgrade to current Vte and Gtk+ versions
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [matchbox-config-gtk][PATCH 1/1] Port to Gtk+3
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [screenshot][PATCH 1/1] Quick port to Gtk/Gdk 3
Burton, Ross
- [yocto] [PATCH][opkg-utils] opkg-build: Exit when fail to list files.
Alejandro del Castillo
- [yocto] Changing File Permissions/Group
Carlos Chacon
- [yocto] How to add libraries to poky toolchain
Matthew Clark
- [yocto] MySQL recipe for yocto
Moti Cohen
- [yocto] MySQL recipe for yocto
Moti Cohen
- [yocto] MySQL recipe for yocto
Moti Cohen
- [yocto] something like kernel configuration fragments for device tree?
- [yocto] How to add libraries to toolchain
- [yocto] How to add libraries to poky toolchain
- [yocto] Different patches for different images for same machine
- [yocto] Compiling tollchain at x64 to run at x86
- [yocto] Compiling tollchain at x64 to run at x86
- [yocto] [meta-mono] Mono XSP Issue
Davis, Michael
- [yocto] does any YP guide show clearly how to use a local git kernel repo?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] recommended way to build rpms on centos 6 for yoctoproject?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] is there a powerpc alternative to kickstart/installer-support?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] what's the "standard" for adding .dts patches to a BSP layer?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] what's the "standard" for adding .dts patches to a BSP layer?
Robert P. J. Day
- [yocto] Cannot Build gstreamer1.0-plugins-imx
Paul DeMetrotion
- [yocto] Append to bblayers.conf and local.conf
Nicolas Dechesne
- [yocto] Append to bblayers.conf and local.conf
Nicolas Dechesne
- [yocto] [oe] [OE-core] OEDAM, April 8 in San Diego after ELC
Denys Dmytriyenko
- [yocto] [meta-raspberry] Raspberry Pi 3
Tom Doehring
- [yocto] [meta-qt3][PATCH] classes: add qmake_base.bbclass
Adrian Dudau
- [yocto] [meta-cgl][PATCH] linux-yocto: Update .bbappend recipe version
Adrian Dudau
- [yocto] [meta-qt3][PATCH] classes: add qmake_base.bbclass
Adrian Dudau
- [yocto] [meta-raspberry] Raspberry Pi 3
Michael Dumont
- [yocto] Yocto touch
Christian Ege
- [yocto] Hi, Re: Serial Timeout
Christian Ege
- [yocto] Append to bblayers.conf and local.conf
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] Append to bblayers.conf and local.conf
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] [Query] Process of Up-streaming a new meta layer
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] Issues toaster and devtool together
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] gobject introspection release notes
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] problems with cmake finding the c++ includes
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] Strange dependency
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] [PATCH] replace libav with ffmpeg and add a patch fixing building omxplayer after 3645b27848edd0d873925f5fa2a7686f3ff9eeb9
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] [PATCH] replace libav with ffmpeg and add a patch fixing building omxplayer after 3645b27848edd0d873925f5fa2a7686f3ff9eeb9
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] Yocto ADT eclipse plugin and devtool
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] problems with cmake finding the c++ includes
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] Change in override behavior?
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] Change in override behavior?
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] Change in override behavior?
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] Change in override behavior?
Paul Eggleton
- [yocto] Different patches for different images for same machine
Andreas Eipeldauer
- [yocto] [eclipse-poky][PATCH] org.yocto.sdk.ide: Use CFLAGS from CC variable in cmake toolchain file
Thomas Elste
- [yocto] Customize login prompt text in Yocto
Andreas Enbacka
- [yocto] Customize login prompt text in Yocto
Andreas Enbacka
- [yocto] Customize login prompt text in Yocto
Andreas Enbacka
- [yocto] How to enforce installation of image specific config file/package
Esponde, Joel
- [yocto] problems with cmake finding the c++ includes
Flanagan, Elizabeth
- [yocto] Removing builds of meta-fsl-* from the autobuilder
Flanagan, Elizabeth
- [yocto] Yocto ADT eclipse plugin and devtool
Benjamin Gaignard
- [yocto] Full Pass Test report for YP 2.1_M3.rc2 build
Georgescu, Alexandru C
- [yocto] Full Pass test report for yocto-2.1.rc2 build
Georgescu, Alexandru C
- [yocto] [PATCH 1/1] userland: In case of wayland configuration build needs wayland-native
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 1/2] firmware: Update to 20160326
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/2] userland: Fix tearing effect seen with wayland compositors
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi] Adding more screens / PiTFT support.
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 1/1] README: Mention all the supported machines
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 1/1] README: Mention all the supported machines
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi] [patch] linux-raspberrypi_Rename_linux.inc_to_linux-rpi.inc
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 1/1] README: Mention all the supported machines
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi] [patch] linux-raspberrypi_Rename_linux.inc_to_linux-rpi.inc
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 0/5] Various upgrade/fixes from Technux
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] linux-raspberrypi: Rename linux.inc to linux-rpi.inc Rename linux.inc to prevent it from impacting other machines
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 1/2] raspberrypi3: serial console
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 1/2] raspberrypi3: serial console
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 2/2] raspberrypi3: set core frequency
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] linux-firmware: Rework of brcmfmac43430 firmware handling
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 1/1] README: Mention all the supported machines
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [PATCH 1/1] userland: In case of wayland configuration build needs wayland-native
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 4/6] linux-firmware: Add brcmfmac43430 firmware
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 1/2] userland: Fix a build regression in builds not using wayland
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-qt5][meta-raspberrypi]: Qt5 with EGL support for the Raspberry through linux-oe-g++
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] userland: Fix passing of wayland-native to cmake while configuring
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-qt5][meta-raspberrypi]: Qt5 with EGL support for the Raspberry through linux-oe-g++
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-qt5][meta-raspberrypi]: Qt5 with EGL support for the Raspberry through linux-oe-g++
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/2] userland: Make vchostif as shared library
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 3/5] rpi-config: Add UART enabler
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 3/5] rpi-config: Add UART enabler
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 5/5] README: Document new variable configuration
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] omxplayer: Bump revision
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] serial console definition split
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/5] firmware.inc: Update firmware to include various serial fixes
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH V2 1/4] firmware.inc: Update firmware to include various serial fixes
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 1/5] linux-raspberrypi: Bump to v4.4.7
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/5] linux-raspberrypi: Set baudrate and use serial0 for kgdboc
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 3/5] packagegroup-rpi-test: Add packages to be able to test WiFi/Bluetooth
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 4/5] bluez5: Add bluez5 support for brcm43438 on raspberrypi3.
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 5/5] linux-raspberrypi_4.1: Update to v4.1.21
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] rpi-base.inc: Include pi3-miniuart-bt-overlay.dtb
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 1/5] linux-raspberrypi: Bump to v4.4.7
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 3/5] rpi-base.inc: Add overlay for rpi-ft5406
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] userland: fix wayland PACKAGECONFIG
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] Change serial console for Raspberry Pi 3
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] README: Switch from redmine to github issues
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] u-boot-rpi2: use the upstreamed U-Boot
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] rpi-base.inc: Include pi3-miniuart-bt-overlay.dtb
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] README: Switch from redmine to github issues
Andrei Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 4/6] linux-firmware: Add brcmfmac43430 firmware
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 1/5] SERIAL_CONSOLE definition split
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/5] firmware.inc: Update firmware to include various serial fixes
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 3/5] rpi-config: Add UART enabler
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 4/5] linux-raspberrypi: Make use of serial aliases
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 5/5] README: Document new variable configuration
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 3/5] rpi-config: Add UART enabler
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 3/5] rpi-config: Add UART enabler
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 5/5] README: Document new variable configuration
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 1/4] firmware.inc: Update firmware to include various serial fixes
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/4] rpi-config: Add UART enabler
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 3/4] linux-raspberrypi: Make use of serial aliases
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 4/4] README: Document new variable configuration
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH V2 1/4] firmware.inc: Update firmware to include various serial fixes
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/4] rpi-config: Add UART enabler
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 3/4] linux-raspberrypi: Make use of serial aliases
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 4/4] README: Document new variable configuration
Theodor Gherzan
- [yocto] Prescribed way to make global variables in recipes?
Andy Gikling
- [yocto] Prescribed way to make global variables in recipes?
Andy Gikling
- [yocto] Prescribed way to make global variables in recipes?
Andy Gikling
- [yocto] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Yocto Project 2.1 (krogoth 15.0.0) Released
Graydon, Tracy
- [yocto] [meta-qt5][meta-raspberrypi]: Qt5 with EGL support for the Raspberry through linux-oe-g++
Julien Gueytat
- [yocto] [meta-qt5][meta-raspberrypi]: Qt5 with EGL support for the Raspberry through linux-oe-g++
Julien Gueytat
- [yocto] [meta-qt5][meta-raspberrypi]: Qt5 with EGL support for the Raspberry through linux-oe-g++
Julien Gueytat
- [yocto] [meta-qt5][meta-raspberrypi]: Qt5 with EGL support for the Raspberry through linux-oe-g++
Julien Gueytat
- [yocto] [meta-qt5][meta-raspberrypi]: Qt5 with EGL support for the Raspberry through linux-oe-g++
Julien Gueytat
- [yocto] Serial Timeout
Markus Haege
- [yocto] A lot of, seemingly, hung tasks
Chris Hallinan
- [yocto] RPM bogus signature
Mark Hatle
- [yocto] [PATCH] replace libav with ffmpeg and add a patch fixing building omxplayer after 3645b27848edd0d873925f5fa2a7686f3ff9eeb9
Mark Hatle
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Mark Hatle
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Mark Hatle
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi] [patch] linux-raspberrypi_Rename_linux.inc_to_linux-rpi.inc
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi] [patch] linux-raspberrypi_Rename_linux.inc_to_linux-rpi.inc
- [yocto] remove Yocto systemd features
Michael Hu
- [yocto] Use 3G modem on Intel Galileo Gen 2
Ivan Ivanov
- [yocto] Antwort: Re: how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
- [yocto] [Query] Process of Up-streaming a new meta layer
Jaggi, Manish
- [yocto] Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 2134d97aa3a7ce38bb51f933f2e20cafde371085 in branch master even from upstream
Jaggi, Manish
- [yocto] Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 2134d97aa3a7ce38bb51f933f2e20cafde371085 in branch master even from upstream
Jaggi, Manish
- [yocto] Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 2134d97aa3a7ce38bb51f933f2e20cafde371085 in branch master even from upstream
Jaggi, Manish
- [yocto] Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 2134d97aa3a7ce38bb51f933f2e20cafde371085 in branch master even from upstream
Jaggi, Manish
- [yocto] aarch64-oe-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc . Adding native build support for arm64/aarch64 in oe-rootfs.
Jaggi, Manish
- [yocto] aarch64-oe-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc . Adding native build support for arm64/aarch64 in oe-rootfs.
Jaggi, Manish
- [yocto] is there a known issue with how SRC_URI uses OVERRIDES to locate .scc files?
Martin Jansa
- [yocto] eudev hwdb?
Martin Jansa
- [yocto] Yocto Project Status WW14
Jolley, Stephen K
- [yocto] Reminder: Yocto Project Technical Team Meeting - Tuesday, Mar. 8, 2016 8:00 AM US Pacific Time
Jolley, Stephen K
- [yocto] Minutes: Yocto Project Technical Team Meeting - Tuesday, Mar. 8, 2016 8:00 AM US Pacific Time
Jolley, Stephen K
- [yocto] Yocto Project Status WW15
Jolley, Stephen K
- [yocto] Yocto Project Status WW16
Jolley, Stephen K
- [yocto] Yocto Project Status WW17
Jolley, Stephen K
- [yocto] Yocto Project Status WW18
Jolley, Stephen K
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi] Adding more screens / PiTFT support.
- [yocto] [meta-qt5][meta-raspberrypi]: QMAKE_LIBS_EGL not properly set
- [yocto] [Query] Process of Up-streaming a new meta layer
Alexander Kanavin
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Alexander Kanavin
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Alexander Kanavin
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Alexander Kanavin
- [yocto] [Fwd: gobject introspection release notes]
Alexander Kanavin
- [yocto] [OE-core] [oe] OEDAM, April 8 in San Diego after ELC
Tom King
- [yocto] Using Java-based code generator in bitbake recipes
Konopelko, Pavel (P.)
- [yocto] Understanding Yocto
Charles Krinke
- [yocto] environment setup script
Charles Krinke
- [yocto] [matchbox-wm][PATCH 1/2] wm: disregard Caps/Num/Scroll-lock when handling keypresses
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-wm][PATCH 2/2] keys: Grab all modifier combos
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-keyboard][PATCH 0/1] Add support for GTK3 IM
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-keyboard][PATCH 1/1] gtk-im: Add support for GTK+3 as well as GTK+2
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [PATCH][matchbox-wm] wm: Do not set MB theme based on Net/ThemeName
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-sato][PATCH 0/2] Matchbox theme update
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-sato][PATCH 1/2] Make titlebar more like default GTK3
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-sato][PATCH 2/2] Remove the qvga theme
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 00/16] Upgrade to GTK+3
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 01/16] Initial port to GTK+ 3
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 02/16] taku-tile: make a subclass of GtkButton, remove all unique logic
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 03/16] fixup 1024d115181a182918197d280e0797566178d26f
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 04/16] main: load a custom CSS stylesheet if present
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 05/16] taku-category-bar: don't try to make the arrows square
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 06/16] desktop: set as unresizable to hide resize grip
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 07/16] fixup initial port
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 08/16] taku-table: port to GtkGrid
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 09/16] More fixes
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 10/16] main: ignore file not found errors when loading CSS
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 11/16] desktop: add --mode
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 12/16] build: remove unused --enable-standalone option
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 13/16] build: add a real INSTALL file
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 14/16] build: update git.mk
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 15/16] Use a GtkFlowBox instead of TakuTable
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 16/16] Don't set the desktop fullscreen if MODE_DESKTOP
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [screenshot][PATCH 0/1] Support Gtk+3
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [screenshot][PATCH 1/1] Quick port to Gtk/Gdk 3
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [xsettings-daemon][PATCH 0/2] Upgrade to Gdk3
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [xsettings-daemon][PATCH 1/2] Need -lx11 in linker flags
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [xsettings-daemon][PATCH 2/2] Use gdk-x11-3.0 instead of 2.0
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-terminal][PATCH 0/1] Upgrade to Gtk+ 3 and current Vte
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-terminal][PATCH 1/1] Upgrade to current Vte and Gtk+ versions
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-config-gtk][PATCH 0/1] Upgrade to Gtk+3
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [matchbox-config-gtk][PATCH 1/1] Port to Gtk+3
Jussi Kukkonen
- [yocto] [meta-security][PATCH] nmap: update to 7.12
Armin Kuster
- [yocto] [meta-security][PATCH] suricata: update package to 3.0.1
Armin Kuster
- [yocto] [meta-security][PATCH] clamav: fix lib version mismatch
Armin Kuster
- [yocto] [meta-security][PATCH 1/2] libdhash: add package
Armin Kuster
- [yocto] [meta-security][PATCH 2/2] sssd: add new package
Armin Kuster
- [yocto] [meta-security][PATCH 1/2] trousers: add package
Armin Kuster
- [yocto] [meta-security][PATCH 2/2] tpm-tools: add package
Armin Kuster
- [yocto] Manipulating code and Building in offline environment
Lars Larsen
- [yocto] Manipulating code and Building in offline environment
Lars Larsen
- [yocto] environment setup script
Christopher Larson
- [yocto] [OE-core] bugzilla.yoctoproject.org policy for bugs against multiple releases
Christopher Larson
- [yocto] what does ${libdir} refer to?
Christopher Larson
- [yocto] Dumping (inferred) do_task[vardeps] for some do_task
Christopher Larson
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 1/3] AUTHORS: add list of git commit authors
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 2/3] add initial .gitignore
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 3/3] README: add "Contributing" guideline
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 3/3] README: add "Contributing" guideline
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 0/5] fix -Wextra GCC warnings
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 1/5] configure: add -Wextra GCC flag
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 2/5] psplash-fb: fix sign-compare warning
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 3/5] psplash-fb: remove unused parameter from psplash_fb_text_size
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 4/5] psplash: remove unused parameter length from parse_command
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH 5/5] psplash: fix remaining unused-parameter warnings
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH] psplash: add option to read startup message from file
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] [psplash][PATCH] psplash: add option to read startup message from file
Richard Leitner
- [yocto] How to enforce installation of image specific config file/package
Isak Lichtenstein
- [yocto] How to enforce installation of image specific config file/package
Isak Lichtenstein
- [yocto] How to enforce installation of image specific config file/package
Isak Lichtenstein
- [yocto] [PATCH][opkg-utils] opkg-build: Exit when fail to list files.
Aníbal Limón
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] userland: fix wayland PACKAGECONFIG
Jonathan Liu
- [yocto] [PATCH 1/1] userland: In case of wayland configuration build needs wayland-native
Jonathan Liu
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/2] userland: Make vchostif as shared library
Jonathan Liu
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/2] userland: Make vchostif as shared library
Jonathan Liu
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] omxplayer: Bump revision
Jonathan Liu
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/2] userland: Make vchostif as shared library
Jonathan Liu
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] sdcard_image-rpi.bbclass: Fix do_image_rpi_sdimg tashhash mismatch
Jonathan Liu
- [yocto] How to enforce installation of image specific config file/package
Mike Looijmans
- [yocto] Using Yocto with NXP QorIQ Processors
Zhenhua Luo
- [yocto] Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 2134d97aa3a7ce38bb51f933f2e20cafde371085 in branch master even from upstream
Zhenhua Luo
- [yocto] [Fwd: gobject introspection release notes]
Zhenhua Luo
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi] Adding more screens / PiTFT support.
Petter Mabäcker
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 1/1] README: Mention all the supported machines
Petter Mabäcker
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 3/5] rpi-base.inc: Add overlay for rpi-ft5406
Petter Mabäcker
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 0/3] refpolicy virtual package
Joe MacDonald
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 2/3] Integrate selinux-config into refpolicy_common.
Joe MacDonald
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 2/3] Integrate selinux-config into refpolicy_common.
Joe MacDonald
- [yocto] Dumping (inferred) do_task[vardeps] for some do_task
Ulf Magnusson
- [yocto] Dumping (inferred) do_task[vardeps] for some do_task
Ulf Magnusson
- [yocto] Running an own script after kernel compilation
Belisko Marek
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-selinux] refpolicy-minimum: port changes for prepare_policy_store
George McCollister
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Andre McCurdy
- [yocto] Prescribed way to make global variables in recipes?
Andre McCurdy
- [yocto] A lot of, seemingly, hung tasks
Andre McCurdy
- [yocto] A lot of, seemingly, hung tasks
Andre McCurdy
- [yocto] bitbake -c clean for all recipes
Andre McCurdy
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Dan McGregor
- [yocto] [PATCH] os-release: put double-quotes around variable contents
Craig McQueen
- [yocto] [PATCH] os-release: put double-quotes around variable contents
Craig McQueen
- [yocto] RPM bogus signature
Dmytro Milinevskyy
- [yocto] RPM bogus signature
Dmytro Milinevskyy
- [yocto] RPM bogus signature
Dmytro Milinevskyy
- [yocto] [prelink-cross] [patch] gather.c: fix out of bounds access in maybe_pie()
Alexander Miller
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] replace base_contains by bb.utils.contains
Andreas Müller
- [yocto] Using Yocto with NXP QorIQ Processors
Eric Nelson
- [yocto] Adding Utilities to /proc
Haleigh Novak
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] A lot of, seemingly, hung tasks
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] A lot of, seemingly, hung tasks
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] A lot of, seemingly, hung tasks
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] A lot of, seemingly, hung tasks
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] Poky-Tiny errors building util-linux/2.26.2-r0
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] More up to date network boot (PXE?) reference
Ronald Oakes
- [yocto] Debian Stretch build error "Install SDL devel"
Fred Ollinger
- [yocto] MySQL recipe for yocto
Fred Ollinger
- [yocto] MySQL recipe for yocto
Fred Ollinger
- [yocto] MySQL recipe for yocto
Fred Ollinger
- [yocto] how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
Fred Ollinger
- [yocto] Antwort: Re: how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
Fred Ollinger
- [yocto] MySQL recipe for yocto
Tim Orling
- [yocto] [OE-core] Fwd: OEDAM: New Location - Catamaran resort
Jeff Osier-Mixon
- [yocto] [oe] [OE-core] OEDAM, April 8 in San Diego after ELC
Jeff Osier-Mixon
- [yocto] [OE-core] [oe] OEDAM, April 8 in San Diego after ELC
Jeff Osier-Mixon
- [yocto] udev-cache problems
Maxim Osipov
- [yocto] Fwd: Preventing rebuild of dependencies
Sassan Panahinejad
- [yocto] Full Pass test report for YP 2.1_M4.rc1 build
Perez Carranza, Jose
- [yocto] environment setup script
Sid Price
- [yocto] environment setup script
Sid Price
- [yocto] environment setup script
Sid Price
- [yocto] [OE-core] bugzilla.yoctoproject.org policy for bugs against multiple releases
Richard Purdie
- [yocto] Removing builds of meta-fsl-* from the autobuilder
Richard Purdie
- [yocto] [meta-raspberry] Raspberry Pi 3
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Cannot Build gstreamer1.0-plugins-imx
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Append to bblayers.conf and local.conf
Khem Raj
- [yocto] How to enforce installation of image specific config file/package
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [PATCH 1/1] userland: In case of wayland configuration build needs wayland-native
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 1/2] userland: Fix a build regression in builds not using wayland
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/2] userland: Make vchostif as shared library
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [meta-raspberry] Raspberry Pi 3
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [meta-poky][PATCH] poky-tiny: Switch to using kernel 4.4 and busybox for init
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [meta-poky][PATCH] poky-tiny: Switch to using kernel 4.4 and busybox for init
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Help Cross Compiling for AVR
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/2] userland: Make vchostif as shared library
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH 2/2] userland: Make vchostif as shared library
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 3/5] rpi-base.inc: Add overlay for rpi-ft5406
Khem Raj
- [yocto] bitbake -c clean for all recipes
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Understanding Yocto
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [meta-poky][PATCH] poky-tiny: Use linux-yocto-tiny for qemux86 only
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] bugzilla.yoctoproject.org policy for bugs against multiple releases
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Poky-Tiny errors building util-linux/2.26.2-r0
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] bugzilla.yoctoproject.org policy for bugs against multiple releases
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] bugzilla.yoctoproject.org policy for bugs against multiple releases
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Fwd: Preventing rebuild of dependencies
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [PATCH] replace libav with ffmpeg and add a patch fixing building omxplayer after 3645b27848edd0d873925f5fa2a7686f3ff9eeb9
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [oe] [meta-qt5] EGL Error : Could not create the egl surface: error = 0x300b
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] linux-raspberrypi_4.4.bb: Upgrade to 4.4.8
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Kernel Build error
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Kernel Build error
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Khem Raj
- [yocto] aarch64-oe-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc . Adding native build support for arm64/aarch64 in oe-rootfs.
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Manipulating code and Building in offline environment
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Error while buildng SGX
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Help on submitting patch to yocto projcet
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Change in override behavior?
Khem Raj
- [yocto] Removing builds of meta-fsl-* from the autobuilder
Khem Raj
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Tom Rini
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Tom Rini
- [yocto] [OE-core] [RFT] GCC 6 Recipes
Tom Rini
- [yocto] [meta-qt5] EGL Error : Could not create the egl surface: error = 0x300b
Ryan Elkholy, PhD, PE
- [yocto] [oe] [meta-qt5] EGL Error : Could not create the egl surface: error = 0x300b
Ryan Elkholy, PhD, PE
- [yocto] Yocto touch
Berlin Vince Joe V S
- [yocto] Build Failure Errors
- [yocto] how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
- [yocto] Help on submitting patch to yocto projcet
- [yocto] Antwort: Re: how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
- [yocto] [PATCH 1/1] CGL Requirements Template Parser first draft
- [yocto] [meta-cgl][PATCH] CGL Requirements Template Parser first draft
- [yocto] populate_sdk cmake and eclipse
Ruben Schwarz
- [yocto] populate_sdk cmake and eclipse
Ruben Schwarz
- [yocto] Building with ltdl
David Snowdon
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] linux-raspberrypi: Rename linux.inc to linux-rpi.inc Rename linux.inc to prevent it from impacting other machines
Alan Stice
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] linux-raspberrypi: Rename linux.inc to linux-rpi.inc Rename linux.inc to prevent it from impacting other machines
Alan Stice
- [yocto] Adding Demo Utilities to /proc
Rudolf Streif
- [yocto] Customize login prompt text in Yocto
Rudolf Streif
- [yocto] Python do_install fails on QEMUX86-64 and corei7-64 under Debian 8.0.3 isolated station
Rudolf J Streif
- [yocto] [oe] [OE-core] OEDAM, April 8 in San Diego after ELC
Rudolf J Streif
- [yocto] Regarding defconfig used in meta-ti layer
Deepika Teriar
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-raspberrypi 1/2] raspberrypi3: serial console
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] [PATCH] replace libav with ffmpeg and add a patch fixing building omxplayer after 3645b27848edd0d873925f5fa2a7686f3ff9eeb9
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] [PATCH] replace libav with ffmpeg and add a patch fixing building omxplayer after 3645b27848edd0d873925f5fa2a7686f3ff9eeb9
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] Strange dependency
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] Error installing wpa-supplicant
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] Error installing wpa-supplicant
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] eudev hwdb?
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] eudev hwdb?
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] eudev hwdb?
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] Manipulating code and Building in offline environment
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] what's the "standard" for adding .dts patches to a BSP layer?
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] Change in override behavior?
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] Change in override behavior?
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] Change in override behavior?
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] Change in override behavior?
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] Change in override behavior?
Gary Thomas
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 0/3] refpolicy virtual package
Philip Tricca
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 1/3] refpolicy: Setup virtual/refpolicy provider.
Philip Tricca
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 2/3] Integrate selinux-config into refpolicy_common.
Philip Tricca
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 3/3] refpolicy_common: Sanity test DEFAULT_ENFORCING value and set default.
Philip Tricca
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 2/3] Integrate selinux-config into refpolicy_common.
Philip Tricca
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 2/3] Integrate selinux-config into refpolicy_common.
Philip Tricca
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-selinux] refpolicy-minimum: port changes for prepare_policy_store
Philip Tricca
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-selinux] refpolicy-minimum: port changes for prepare_policy_store
Philip Tricca
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] Python GObject Errors on yocto-2.1_M3.rc2
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] Using Yocto with NXP QorIQ Processors
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] Using Yocto with NXP QorIQ Processors
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] [Fwd: gobject introspection release notes]
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] Build Errors with new recipe for pjproject (autotools/pkgconfig)
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] Customize login prompt text in Yocto
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] Build Errors with new recipe for pjproject (autotools/pkgconfig)
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] Build Errors with new recipe for pjproject (autotools/pkgconfig)
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] Build Errors with new recipe for pjproject (autotools/pkgconfig)
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] [Fwd: gobject introspection release notes]
Chris Trobridge
- [yocto] [oe] [OE-core] OEDAM, April 8 in San Diego after ELC
Ankur Tyagi
- [yocto] [oe] [OE-core] OEDAM, April 8 in San Diego after ELC
Ankur Tyagi
- [yocto] Release Candidate Build for yocto-2.1.rc1.rc1 now available.
Poky Build User
- [yocto] Release Candidate Build for yocto-2.1.rc2.rc2 now available.
Poky Build User
- [yocto] bitbake -c clean for all recipes
Vajzovic, Tom
- [yocto] bitbake -c clean for all recipes
Vajzovic, Tom
- [yocto] module do_configure depends on kernel .config and headers
Vajzovic, Tom
- [yocto] module do_configure depends on kernel .config and headers
Vajzovic, Tom
- [yocto] Enable a recipe/package only when other dependent recipe/package is part of image.
Valluri, Amarnath
- [yocto] [Yocto] Enable a recipe/package only when other dependent recipe/package is part of image.
Amarnath Valluri
- [yocto] Enable a recipe/package only when other dependent recipe/package is part of image.
Amarnath Valluri
- [yocto] [Yocto] Enable a recipe/package only when other dependent recipe/package is part of image.
Amarnath Valluri
- [yocto] [Yocto] Enable a recipe/package only when other dependent recipe/package is part of image.
Amarnath Valluri
- [yocto] Help Cross Compiling for AVR
Washburn, David (washbudh)
- [yocto] Help with mosquitto_1.3.4 recipe
Edward Wingate
- [yocto] Issues toaster and devtool together
David Winn
- [yocto] [meta-raspberry] Raspberry Pi 3
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-raspberry] Raspberry Pi 3
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-raspberry] Raspberry Pi 3
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-raspberry] Raspberry Pi 3
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-raspberrypi 1/2] raspberrypi3: serial console
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-raspberrypi 2/2] raspberrypi3: set core frequency
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-raspberrypi 1/2] raspberrypi3: serial console
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-raspberrypi 1/2] raspberrypi3: serial console
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-raspberry] Raspberry Pi 3
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-raspberrypi 1/2] raspberrypi3: serial console
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-chip][PATCH] u-boot-chip: fix md5sum
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 1/2] raspberrypi3: serial console
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 2/2] raspberrypi3: set core frequency
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 1/2] raspberrypi3: serial console
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] serial console definition split
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH v2 3/5] rpi-base.inc: Add overlay for rpi-ft5406
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-chip][PATCH] u-boot-chip: fix md5sum
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [OE-core] Yocto Project Status WW17
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [OE-core] Yocto Project Status WW17
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] [meta-chip][PATCH] u-boot-chip: fix md5sum
Trevor Woerner
- [yocto] Sharing Sstate cache among different platform architectures
Santosh Y
- [yocto] Sharing Sstate cache among different platform architectures
Santosh Y
- [yocto] Running an own script after kernel compilation
Yegor Yefremov
- [yocto] Running an own script after kernel compilation
Yegor Yefremov
- [yocto] eudev hwdb?
Yegor Yefremov
- [yocto] Bundled Initramfs inside rootfs
Ayoub Zaki
- [yocto] [PATCH] dev-manual: set correct task name for do_kernel_configme
Yi Zhao
- [yocto] Issue while building the meta-oic layer for my bsp
mojtaba aajami
- [yocto] bugzilla.yoctoproject.org policy for bugs against multiple releases
- [yocto] gobject introspection release notes
- [yocto] [AUH] Upgrade status: 2016-04-30
auh at auh.yoctoproject.org
- [yocto] Use 3G modem on Intel Galileo Gen 2
Valentin Le bescond
- [yocto] Binary Configuration Support
S.Jaritz at esa-grimma.de
- [yocto] problems with cmake finding the c++ includes
S.Jaritz at esa-grimma.de
- [yocto] how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
S.Jaritz at esa-grimma.de
- [yocto] how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
S.Jaritz at esa-grimma.de
- [yocto] Antwort: Re: how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
S.Jaritz at esa-grimma.de
- [yocto] Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
S.Jaritz at esa-grimma.de
- [yocto] Antwort: Re: Re: Antwort: Re: how to configure the build packages of a makefile based libary
S.Jaritz at esa-grimma.de
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 2/3] Integrate selinux-config into refpolicy_common.
wenzong fan
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 2/3] Integrate selinux-config into refpolicy_common.
wenzong fan
- [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH 2/3] Integrate selinux-config into refpolicy_common.
wenzong fan
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-selinux] refpolicy-minimum: port changes for prepare_policy_store
wenzong fan
- [yocto] Enable WL1835 cape with beaglebone & yocto latest release jethro
akash garg
- [yocto] [meta-qt5] How to increase depth of qemuarm from bootargs?
sujith h
- [yocto] gobject introspection release notes
alexander.kanavin at linux.intel.com
- [yocto] [Fwd: gobject introspection release notes]
alexander.kanavin at linux.intel.com
- [yocto] Build Failure Errors
Harinath maddelal
- [yocto] Kernel Build error
Harinath maddelal
- [yocto] Kernel Build error
Harinath maddelal
- [yocto] Error while buildng SGX
Harinath maddelal
- [yocto] Error while buildng SGX
Harinath maddelal
- [yocto] [PATCH] replace libav with ffmpeg and add a patch fixing building omxplayer after 3645b27848edd0d873925f5fa2a7686f3ff9eeb9
- [yocto] [PATCH] replace libav with ffmpeg and add a patch fixing building omxplayer after 3645b27848edd0d873925f5fa2a7686f3ff9eeb9
- [yocto] something like kernel configuration fragments for device tree?
gmane at reliableembeddedsystems.com
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] linux-firmware: Rework of brcmfmac43430 firmware handling
- [yocto] [meta-raspberryp][PATCH] bluez5: Add bluez5 support for brcm43438 on raspberrypi3.
- [yocto] [meta-raspberrypi][PATCH] userland: Fix passing of wayland-native to cmake while configuring
- [yocto] [PATCH][meta-selinux] refpolicy-minimum: port changes for prepare_policy_store
wenzong.fan at windriver.com
- [yocto] [Recipe reporting system] Upgradable recipe name list
recipe-report at yoctoproject.org
- [yocto] [Recipe reporting system] Upgradable recipe name list
recipe-report at yoctoproject.org
- [yocto] [Recipe reporting system] Upgradable recipe name list
recipe-report at yoctoproject.org
- [yocto] [Recipe reporting system] Upgradable recipe name list
recipe-report at yoctoproject.org
- [yocto] how to install debug library into packages
杜 昊
- [yocto] what does ${libdir} refer to?
杜 昊
Last message date:
Sat Apr 30 05:09:24 PDT 2016
Archived on: Mon Apr 30 08:52:10 PDT 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).