[yocto] out of tree kernel modules using autotools

Matt Broadstone mbroadst at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 07:05:55 PDT 2016

I'm beginning a process to try to build zfs-on-linux for my image (as I
have yet to find any existing work in this area), and am running into some
trouble building out of tree kernel modules with autotools.

I've been loosely basing my recipe off of the one over here:

Here is the current recipe:

inherit module autotools
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "4544b80018ddc5c39ed395363a582228"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] =
EXTRA_OECONF += "--with-config=kernel --with-linux=${KERNEL_PATH}"

This recipe builds fine, except that it's using the installed kernel
sources for the base ubuntu system rather than those build by yocto. I can
confirm that the kernel has already been built, and sources are available,
however when entering into the devshell for this package neither KERNEL_SRC
nor KERNEL_PATH are defined (they are simply empty), despite what the
documentation for the module bbclass indicates.

It seems I'm missing something important here?  Also any other references
to examples of building these types of modules would be greatly appreciated.

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