[yocto] what does ${libdir} refer to?

杜 昊 stephanie2839 at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 21 08:53:01 PDT 2016

Hello there!

I have a question about the absolute path of ${libdir}.

for example in poco recipe:

here is:

PACKAGES += "${PN}-dev ${PN}-staticdev"
FILES_${PN}-dev = "${includedir} ${libdir}/libPoco*.so ${libdir}/cmake"
FILES_${PN}-staticdev = "${libdir}/libPoco*.a"

i have searched for the yocto reference. In meta/conf/bitbake.conf we can see

baselib = "${BASELIB}"
BASELIB = "lib"

# Path prefixes
export exec_prefix = "/usr"

# Architecture dependent paths
export bindir = "${exec_prefix}/bin"
export libdir = "${exec_prefix}/${baselib}"

Does this mean that ${libdir} =/usr/lib in my host machine. But i can't find such libraries(libPoco*.so) in my host(ubuntu 14.04) under /usr/lib
I think i misunderstand the absolute path of ${libdir}. Who can tell me the right meaning of this. Thanks for helping.

hao du

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