Release 4.2 (mickledore)
- Release 4.2 (mickledore)
- Migration notes for 4.2 (mickledore)
- Supported distributions
- Python 3.8 is now the minimum required Python version version
- gcc 8.0 is now the minimum required GNU C compiler version
- Fetching the NVD vulnerability database through the 2.0 API
- Rust: mandatory checksums for crates
- Python library code extensions
- Removed variables
- Removed recipes
- Removed classes
- LAYERSERIES_COMPAT for custom layers and devtool workspace
- runqemu now limits slirp host port forwarding to localhost
- Patch QA checks
- Native/nativesdk mesa usage and graphics drivers
- Miscellaneous changes
- Migration notes for 4.2 (mickledore)
- Release notes for 4.2 (mickledore)
- Release notes for Yocto-4.2.1 (Mickledore)