15 Working With Libraries
Libraries are an integral part of your system. This section describes some common practices you might find helpful when working with libraries to build your system:
How to use the Multilib feature to combine multiple versions of library files into a single image
How to install multiple versions of the same library in parallel on the same system
15.1 Including Static Library Files
If you are building a library and the library offers static linking, you
can control which static library files (*.a
files) get included in
the built library.
FILES:* variables in the
configuration file define how files installed
by the do_install task are packaged. By default, the PACKAGES
variable includes ${PN}-staticdev
, which represents all static
library files.
Some previously released versions of the Yocto Project defined the
static library files through ${PN}-dev
Here is the part of the BitBake configuration file, where you can see how the static library files are defined:
PACKAGES = "${PN}-src ${PN}-dbg ${PN}-staticdev ${PN}-dev ${PN}-doc ${PN}-locale ${PACKAGE_BEFORE_PN} ${PN}"
PACKAGES_DYNAMIC = "^${PN}-locale-.*"
FILES = ""
FILES:${PN} = "${bindir}/* ${sbindir}/* ${libexecdir}/* ${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBS} \
${sysconfdir} ${sharedstatedir} ${localstatedir} \
${base_bindir}/* ${base_sbindir}/* \
${base_libdir}/*${SOLIBS} \
${base_prefix}/lib/udev ${prefix}/lib/udev \
${base_libdir}/udev ${libdir}/udev \
${datadir}/${BPN} ${libdir}/${BPN}/* \
${datadir}/pixmaps ${datadir}/applications \
${datadir}/idl ${datadir}/omf ${datadir}/sounds \
FILES:${PN}-bin = "${bindir}/* ${sbindir}/*"
FILES:${PN}-doc = "${docdir} ${mandir} ${infodir} ${datadir}/gtk-doc \
SECTION:${PN}-doc = "doc"
FILES_SOLIBSDEV ?= "${base_libdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV} ${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV}"
FILES:${PN}-dev = "${includedir} ${FILES_SOLIBSDEV} ${libdir}/*.la \
${libdir}/*.o ${libdir}/pkgconfig ${datadir}/pkgconfig \
${datadir}/aclocal ${base_libdir}/*.o \
${libdir}/${BPN}/*.la ${base_libdir}/*.la \
${libdir}/cmake ${datadir}/cmake"
SECTION:${PN}-dev = "devel"
ALLOW_EMPTY:${PN}-dev = "1"
RDEPENDS:${PN}-dev = "${PN} (= ${EXTENDPKGV})"
FILES:${PN}-staticdev = "${libdir}/*.a ${base_libdir}/*.a ${libdir}/${BPN}/*.a"
SECTION:${PN}-staticdev = "devel"
RDEPENDS:${PN}-staticdev = "${PN}-dev (= ${EXTENDPKGV})"
15.2 Combining Multiple Versions of Library Files into One Image
The build system offers the ability to build libraries with different target optimizations or architecture formats and combine these together into one system image. You can link different binaries in the image against the different libraries as needed for specific use cases. This feature is called “Multilib”.
An example would be where you have most of a system compiled in 32-bit mode using 32-bit libraries, but you have something large, like a database engine, that needs to be a 64-bit application and uses 64-bit libraries. Multilib allows you to get the best of both 32-bit and 64-bit libraries.
While the Multilib feature is most commonly used for 32 and 64-bit differences, the approach the build system uses facilitates different target optimizations. You could compile some binaries to use one set of libraries and other binaries to use a different set of libraries. The libraries could differ in architecture, compiler options, or other optimizations.
There are several examples in the meta-skeleton
layer found in the
Source Directory:
conf/multilib-example.conf configuration file.
conf/multilib-example2.conf configuration file.
recipes-multilib/images/core-image-multilib-example.bb recipe
15.2.1 Preparing to Use Multilib
User-specific requirements drive the Multilib feature. Consequently, there is no one “out-of-the-box” configuration that would meet your needs.
In order to enable Multilib, you first need to ensure your recipe is
extended to support multiple libraries. Many standard recipes are
already extended and support multiple libraries. You can check in the
configuration file in the
Source Directory to see how this is
done using the
Eventually, all recipes will be covered and this list will not be
For the most part, the Multilib
class extension works automatically to
extend the package name from ${PN}
, where
MLPREFIX is the particular multilib (e.g. “lib32-” or “lib64-“).
Standard variables such as
automatically extended by the system. If you are extending any manual
code in the recipe, you can use the ${MLPREFIX}
variable to ensure
those names are extended correctly.
15.2.2 Using Multilib
After you have set up the recipes, you need to define the actual
combination of multiple libraries you want to build. You accomplish this
through your local.conf
configuration file in the
Build Directory. An example configuration would be as follows:
MACHINE = "qemux86-64"
require conf/multilib.conf
MULTILIBS = "multilib:lib32"
DEFAULTTUNE:virtclass-multilib-lib32 = "x86"
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " lib32-glib-2.0"
This example enables an additional library named
alongside the normal target packages. When combining these
“lib32” alternatives, the example uses “x86” for tuning. For information
on this particular tuning, see
The example then includes lib32-glib-2.0
in all the images, which
illustrates one method of including a multiple library dependency. You
can use a normal image build to include this dependency, for example:
$ bitbake core-image-sato
You can also build Multilib packages specifically with a command like this:
$ bitbake lib32-glib-2.0
15.2.3 Additional Implementation Details
There are generic implementation details as well as details that are specific to package management systems. Here are implementation details that exist regardless of the package management system:
The typical convention used for the class extension code as used by Multilib assumes that all package names specified in PACKAGES that contain
at the start of the name. When that convention is not followed and${PN}
appears at the middle or the end of a name, problems occur.The TARGET_VENDOR value under Multilib will be extended to “-vendormlmultilib” (e.g. “-pokymllib32” for a “lib32” Multilib with Poky). The reason for this slightly unwieldy contraction is that any “-” characters in the vendor string presently break Autoconf’s
, and other separators are problematic for different reasons.
Here are the implementation details for the RPM Package Management System:
A unique architecture is defined for the Multilib packages, along with creating a unique deploy folder under
in the Build Directory. For example, considerlib32
in aqemux86-64
image. The possible architectures in the system are “all”, “qemux86_64”, “lib32:qemux86_64”, and “lib32:x86”.The
variable is stripped from${PN}
during RPM packaging. The naming for a normal RPM package and a Multilib RPM package in aqemux86-64
system resolves to something similar tobash-4.1-r2.x86_64.rpm
, respectively.When installing a Multilib image, the RPM backend first installs the base image and then installs the Multilib libraries.
The build system relies on RPM to resolve the identical files in the two (or more) Multilib packages.
Here are the implementation details for the IPK Package Management System:
is not stripped from${PN}
during IPK packaging. The naming for a normal RPM package and a Multilib IPK package in aqemux86-64
system resolves to something likebash_4.1-r2.x86_64.ipk
, respectively.The IPK deploy folder is not modified with
because packages with and without the Multilib feature can exist in the same folder due to the${PN}
differences.IPK defines a sanity check for Multilib installation using certain rules for file comparison, overridden, etc.
15.3 Installing Multiple Versions of the Same Library
There are be situations where you need to install and use multiple versions of the same library on the same system at the same time. This almost always happens when a library API changes and you have multiple pieces of software that depend on the separate versions of the library. To accommodate these situations, you can install multiple versions of the same library in parallel on the same system.
The process is straightforward as long as the libraries use proper
versioning. With properly versioned libraries, all you need to do to
individually specify the libraries is create separate, appropriately
named recipes where the PN part of
the name includes a portion that differentiates each library version
(e.g. the major part of the version number). Thus, instead of having a
single recipe that loads one version of a library (e.g. clutter
you provide multiple recipes that result in different versions of the
libraries you want. As an example, the following two recipes would allow
the two separate versions of the clutter
library to co-exist on the
same system:
Additionally, if
you have other recipes that depend on a given library, you need to use
the DEPENDS variable to
create the dependency. Continuing with the same example, if you want to
have a recipe depend on the 1.8 version of the clutter
library, use
the following in your recipe:
DEPENDS = "clutter-1.8"